Remember When 8-10-2016
Foot of Main Street, circa 1906 - In this image, bellowing white sails mark the docks at the foot of Main. Depicted in the background are the Black Diamond Fleet boat livery, the two-story old mill building, the White Line boat livery and the city power plant. Circa 1906. This photo and more will soon be featured in the Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter’s “Remember When - Around the Lake.” The new pictorial history book is a 78-page, hard-cover coffee table book that will be available late August. This book is the first in a series of pictorial history books planned for publication. -Photo Credit: Dorothy Garlock
25 Years Ago • August 1991
Tom Guzman, of the Iowa Department of Economic Development, will hold a public meeting to discuss downtown redevelopment with interested people. Guzman has visited Clear Lake before and has been brought in by the Clear Lake Chamber of Commerce leaders who had hoped to generate enthusiasm for the Main Street Program.
The slates have been finalized for the Sept. 10 school board elections in Clear Lake and Ventura. In Clear Lake, incumbents Larry Hoffman and Bill Kennedy will be seeking re-election. They will be challenged by Ray Aucker, a principal in the Glenville, Minn. school system who resides in the Clear Lake School District. In Ventura, longtime board member Larry Costello will be seeking re-election, while Dave Pueggel hopes to join the board. He is the only candidate to file nomination papers to be elected to the position being vacated by Nancy Anderson.
Jennifer Moeller was crowned Miss North Iowa 1991 at the annual scholarship pageant. Jennifer is the daughter of Dr. Ronald and Dianna Moeller, of Mason City.
Linda Thoen, of Clear Lake, was the winner of the Clear Lake Reporter Trade Expansion Campaign.
“Show us your legs” is the plea from a local community service organization. The Clear Lake Area Women of Today are raising money for the National Arthritis Foundation by sponsoring a “Most Interesting Legs” contest. Pictures will be on display at Clear Lake Bank and Trust. Monetary votes can be made at the bank.
The Confederate Air Force B-19 Superfortess “Fifi” arrived at the Mason City Municipal Airport and will remain on display to the public through Aug. 11. Operated by the B-29 Squadron, Fifi is a Renton-build B-29A and is the only flying Superfortress of the 3,970 built during World War II.
The North Iowa Christian School has appointed Bill Ross as its new administrator for their early childhood through eighth grade program.
Sonny Ono, a well-known Mason City karate expert, has opened a fitness center in Clear Lake. Sonny’s Sports and Health Club is now open at the Cornerstone Business Park, Highway 106 and Interstate 35. The facility was formerly known as the Clear Lake Fitness Club.
Mohr For Her will hold a Fashion Show and luncheon to show off the fall fashions at The Waterfront, 475 N. Shore Dr., Clear Lake.
The Clear Lake Lakers qualified for a repeat trip to the Iowa Amateur Baseball Association tourney by virtue of a nail-biting nine-inning win over Allison.
Kelly Issacson, of Clear Lake, was a gold medal winner in the Iowa Games held in Ames. Occasion, the 13-year old daughter of Sara and Duane Issacson, was the winner in the 12-13 year-old division of the Judo competition. She was also named the Outstanding Junior Athlete among Judo competitors at the Games.
Grocery specials for the week at Easter’s Super Valu include: Pepsi and Mountain Dew, 8-16 oz. bottles, $1.79; Bumble Bee Tuna, 6.5 oz. can, 39¢; watermelon, lb., 15¢; Ore Ida Tater Tots, 32 oz. bag, 99¢; Charcoal Steaks, lb., $1.89; and pork chops, lb., $3.59.
50 Years Ago • August 1966
Dutch Elm disease has existed in Iowa since 1957, and is fast becoming a serious problem over the state. It has now reached Clear Lake. All dead or dying Dutch Elm trees should be removed and burned. By all means, do not cord elm wood in a yard for future fireplace fuel. I should be hauled to the city dump where it will be disposed of. Slightly one-third of the trees located on city property are elm.
Two recently hired teachers were added to the staff at Clear Lake. Robert Moritz will teach English and Social Studies in the Junior High School and Nelson Crabb will teach fifth grade at the Central Building.
The one-way traffic and diagonal parking system for Main Ave. will go into effect Friday morning.
Clear Lake’s Ridiculous Day celebration will center around a “Dogpatch” theme. Merchants in hillbilly attire will open the annual event with a parade at 8:30 a.m. In addition to games, zany stunts by merchants and other activities will be held.
60 Years Ago • August 1956
Charles Rickard, of Clear Lake, scored again in the form of a nine pound, 14-ounce blue catfish caught in Clear Lake. Rickard probably holds the record for largest fish caught in Clear Lake. His top catch of the year was earlier in the season when he pulled in an 11-pound Northern Pike.
Mrs. Milton Duesenberg and daughters, Beverly and Dana Sue, and daughter-in-law, Mrs. H. Milton Duesenberg, and two children plan to return from a visit to Oakwood, Texas, with the formers mother, Mrs. Max Johnson and other relatives in Texas.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Bieber left Thursday for San Clemente, Calif., to visit their son, Dr. Rae Bieber and his family. Dr. Bieber will get his discharge from the U.S. Navy on Aug. 2 and both families will return to Clear Lake around Aug. 15.
100 Years Ago • July 1916
Many auto accidents could be prevented if dimmers were used while meeting autos at night. If you have dimmers use them. It should be a law.
The Reporter has had an unusual amount of trouble the past five weeks as a result of rollers melting on the newspaper press. Nearly every week a roller has melted away owing to the extreme heat.
A large stack of hay was struck by lightning and entirely consumed on the McIntosh farm, north of the school house Friday night in the storm.
The rains finally came and saved the corn crop. At least an inch fell in the night, pastures and gardens were thoroughly soaked and all nature is smiling in gladness.
The latest thing is mounting a vacuum cleaner on trucks in connection with a gasoline engine and by operating it up and down the rows of potatoes, cleans the field of potato bugs.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
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