Remember When 8-17-2016
(Above) Island living - The Island was the scene of many parties in the early days when a luxurious hotel was located on it. The hotel included a bowling alley, ice cream parlors and billiard tables. The hotel, named the Island House, burned to the ground as well as its successor. Several summer homes also graced the island in the early years. In 1945, the home on the Island was moved off to a site on the grounds of Girl Scout Camp Gaywood (currently Camp Tanglefoot). In 1971, Mrs. Esther Woodford Ashland donated the Island to the State of Iowa. This photo and more will soon be featured in the Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter’s “Remember When - Around the Lake.” The new pictorial history book is a 78-page, hard-cover coffee table book that will be available late August. This book is the first in a series of pictorial history books planned for publication. -Photo Credit: Rick Brush
25 Years Ago
August 1991
After a lengthy meeting, the Ventura City Council voted to turn down all three bids for a new library Monday night. Mayor Bob Wolfram said the decision to reject all of the bids was made to avoid confusion and possible problems later if one of the bids was chosen.
Timely rains lifted the level of Clear Lake above the weir after the mark hit a seasonal low last week. The level of Clear Lake was measured at 1.44” above the spillway on Tuesday, Aug. 13. The represents an increase of 1.08” from a week ago.
The annual Fall Musical at Clear Lake High School this year will be “Annie,” Director Dwight Wirtz announced. Also directing the production will be Paul Langholz and Craig Rule. Auditions will be held the first week of September and the performances are set for Nov. 1 and 2.
Zachary Law, of Clear Lake, was the winner of the Tractor Pull for his age group at the North Iowa Fair. As a winner, he now qualifies for State Fair competition.
Moving up from a third grade elementary school classroom to fourth grade at a new school can be a scary thing. That’s why members of the Parent Communication Network (PCN) have planned an orientation day for incoming Clear Lake fourth graders. The event will be held on Monday, Aug. 19, at Central School for a special day of games, prizes, meeting with teachers, tours and lunch. A Junior High Kick-Off will also be held on Aug. 19, on the Junior High grounds for all Clear Lake students entering seventh and eighth grades.
The Lakeview Club held a Diamond Jubilee with a tea at the home of Mona Miller. The club formed in 1916, when eight farm women, all of whom could see the lake from their homes, organized at the home of Emma Hansen. Charter members, in addition to the hostess, were Ella Hoffman, Emma Kimball, Jennie Reely, Flora Kimball, Minnie Larson, Olivia Husband and Jane Kimball, all deceased. The club motto was, “Each for the club, the club for each other.”
Gene and Kathy Hinrichs, of Ventura, will observe their 25th wedding anniversary on Aug. 20. They are the parents of Scott and Sarah.
Don and Delores Sabbann, of Clear Lake, were the lucky winners of a new car raffled by the John Ruan Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Charity.
Soybean plantings across the United States have increased 2.7 million acres above the levels intended by the nation’s farmers last March, according to the most recent report of planted acreage and grain stocks from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. About two-thirds of the increase in soybean plantings came in Iowa, Minnesota and Missouri, where farmers switched from corn to soybeans because plantings were delayed by weather conditions.
Subway, located on Highway 18 W. between Baskin Robbins and Movietime Video, will hold a grand opening on Friday and Saturday, Aug. 16 and 17. Buy any footlong sub and get your second one free.
The Clear Lake Booster Club will hold a practice night on Aug. 21 for the fall sports, which include volleyball, football, cross-country and cheerleading. It is open to the public and parents. The practice will be held from 4:30-6:30 p.m., followed by a catered meal sponsored by Hy-Vee East and Lakeside Gas and Groceries.
50 Years Ago
August 1966
Head Football Coach Norman Rutz reported that 168 boys took physicals at the high school student center. Five doctors including Dr. Clapsaddle, Dr. Borgman, Dr. Dankle, Dr. Hendricks, and Dr. VanRoyan participated. The physical was given to any boy going out for school sports.
Mr. and Mrs Don O’Neill, will assume management of the Blue Horizon Hotel. The Blue Horizon, one of the best-known motels in the Midwest, is owned by Orville Lowe, of Des Moines.
Grocery specials for the week at Jensen’s Super Market include: Hills Bros. Coffee, 2 lbs., $1.29; Gold Medal Flour, 5 lbs., 49¢; Coke, 8 pk., 16 oz. bottles., 59¢; carrots, 10 lbs., 10¢; ground beef, 2 lbs., 89¢; and round steak, lb., 89¢.
Playing at the Lake Theatre is Frank Sinatra and Virna Lisi in, “Assault on a Queen.” Starting Sunday is Tony Richardson and Tom Jones in, “Irma La Douce.”
85 Years Ago
August 1931
The Soda Grill will be sold at public auction. The Mawhinneys, who have been managing the grill for several years, have decided to sell because they have other interests which demand their attention.
Miss Lou Weedman, A.S. Sater, Walter Adams and Harold Williams went to Des Moines and returned in the evening. They were each driving a new Ford for the Wagner Motor Company when they returned. That’s a lot of Fords.
Col. and Mrs. Hanford MacNider, of Ottawa, Canada, are spending a few days with their children in their cottage on the north lake shore.
Miss Kathleen Watts is spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Lindon, Jr. at the Lindon Ranch south of town.
Mrs. W.H. Hollister and son, Welcome, have moved from West Main Street to the Ralph Callanan house on Benton Street.
100 Years Ago
August 1916
So many men stop their autos to rubber at the women in bathing suits near the Oaks Hotel, that they block up the street. Break the enchantment, brothers, and move on!
Roy Martin’s car, which was stolen here early Sunday morning, was traced to Milford, Spirit Lake and Big Lake, Minn., but nothing has been heard of its whereabouts since.
Enter your best flowers in the Congregational Flour Show. Entry is 10¢ each or three for 25¢.
The following firms will close their doors Wednesday and attend the District Fair: Hansen & Co., Knutson Hardware, J.E. Patterson, O.W. Cope, Bly Clothing, Frank Olson, A.F. Peterson, J.H. Woodstock, Wentworth Hat Shop, J.B. Patterson, E.N. Renz, Olson Co., C.A. Stratton, McGowan and Sheridan, E.H. Bates, Robert Williams, Stenby & Barlow, Woodford-Wheeler Lumber Co., Page and Grace, C.L. Lumber and Coal, Sondrol Co., Hunting Shoe Co., Boyd Bros., Geo. S. Ott, Carpenter & Hill, Edson Bros., Raw & Lucas, C.L. Laundry, Light & Power, Cerro Gordo Bank, Clear Lake State Bank, and First National Bank.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
Mid-America Publishing
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