Remember When 8-24-2016
(Above) Once around the lake - In 1956, Chuck Clapsaddle, the 13-year-old son of Dr. and Mrs. D.W. Clapsaddle, went completely around the big section of the lake on one water ski. Rick Seney and David Brownstone handled the boat that pulled Clapsaddle. -Submitted photo
25 Years Ago
August 1991
A Community Development Block Grant, which would help the Cole Sewell Corporation in Clear Lake add 40 new permanent jobs to its 4th Ave. S. operation, was expected to be approved by the Clear Lake City Council.
Joe Weigel, city engineering technician, has been named as acting public works director, according to City Administrator Tom Lincoln.
The Clear Lake Community School has announced the addition of 13 staff members for the 1991-92 school year. New staff include: Jill Conlon, Marlys Taylor, Lisa Friesen, Robert Haarup, Alyssa Blake, Stacy Leonard, Brent Rolland, Debra Rollings, Sue Pleggenkuhle, Anita Langholz, Valerie Schaffer and Kim Williamson.
Two new teachers have joined the Ventura School System for the upcoming year. Christa Scallon and Andrea Skrukrud will join the staff at Ventura.
The United States Marine Corps demonstrated their high-tech AV-9 B Harriers at AirShow ’91 held over the weekend at the Mason City Municipal Airport. These jets can hover, takeover and land vertically, and fly sideways and backwards. The Red Baron Stearman Squadron also entertained a crowd of thousands with formation flying in open cockpit planes.
Clear Lake Schools Superintendent Dr. Stephen Voelz was one of 24 Iowans sharing their expertise in school administration with about 100 new superintendents and principals in Des Moines.
The Ventura Booster Club will sponsor a Bossie the Cow “Cowdrop Bingo” contest as part of the Septemberfest celebration Aug. 31.
Bob and Sandy Powell, 129 N. 15th St., Clear Lake, will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary with an open house from 2-4 p.m. at their home.
Teresa Schlichting, 16, and Laurine Thompson, 18, both of Clear Lake, have advanced in the Bill Riley’s 32nd Annual Iowa State Fair Talent Seach during the 1991 Iowa State Fair. Schlichting presented a pointe ballet and Thompson presented a ballet routine.
The Lakeside FFA Chapter has taken part in several contests and camps this past summer. Early in the summer, three members of the officer team, Todd Cash, Paul Cooper and Aaron Coe, attended the North Central District Officer Camp at Clear Lake. The Lakeside Chapter also assisted the Rockwell-Swaledale Chapter in hosting the “Kiddie-Barn” at the North Iowa Fair. Upcoming events include the Pedal Power Tractor Pull to be held in conjunction with Ventura’s Septemburfest celebration.
Clear Lake’s Greg Monson, winner of the All-Vets Club Championship in Clear Lake, captured the title at the State Tournament of Champions held in Atlantic, Iowa. After 18 holes, Monson finished play with a score of 65. He followed on Saturday with a round of 70. Sunday, Monson battled windy conditions to finish one over par with a 73.
Former Clear Lake High School prep Blake Miller will battle a slew of competitors for the spot of linebacker on the Augustana College Football team this season.
50 Years Ago
August 1966
An estimated 2,070 students have registered at the five Clear Lake schools during the past week. About 120 students have transferred from other locations.
Crowds estimated at a record size, jammed Clear Lake’s Main Ave. for Ridiculous Days last Thursday. Traffic was shut off on both new one-way streets as the overflow crowd packed the streets for bargains and fun.
The Lion’s chicken barbecue has been rescheduled for Sunday, Sept. 4. The event was rained out, although 791 meals were still served.
Coach Norman Rutz greeted 12 letter winners among 51 players reporting for football practice at Clear Lake High. Returning letter winners include: Jim Elt, Bob Hankenson, Gary Bostrom, Kirk Nelson, Gary Lindsay, Terry Ott, Randy Miles, Craig Hughes, Larry Buck, Ken Grabinski, Bill Kennedy, Doug Martin.
Playing at the Lake Theatre is “Born Free.”
75 Years Ago
August 1941
The United States Court of Appeals affirmed a district court devision that Lester P. Barlow, formerly of Clear Lake, is entitled to the full amount of $592,719.21, congress appropriated for use of his aerial bomb in the World War. Barlow has received half of the money.
The fire department was called to the Sol Ott farm for a fire in a straw stack. Some of Sam Kennedy’s soybeans were also damaged.
Bread is up 1¢ a loaf and now sells for 11¢.
A.E. Folkmann has purchased the Bob Wilson dairy and took over the business Sunday. He will have both the raw and pasteurized milk.
Ted Weems and Gene Autry will appear Aug. 21 at the Surf.
Lloyd Hayes was driving his 1939 Buick when it caught fire and in a few seconds was a mass of flames. He jumped out just in time. He had insurance.
100 Years Ago
August 1916
Sunday night fires were set to the contents of garage cans around city park. Two young men were arrested. Young men should think twice before committing such depredations.
C.E. Carragher was arrested for operating his theatre on Sunday. In retaliation we understand he will have a dozen or more arrested for violating the Sunday law.
The Electric Theatre was robbed of $40 Monday night.
Onions are now adding to the high cost of living. Around Davenport, where hundreds are raised annually, the hot and dry weather has cut the crop two-third. Onions are now bringing $1.25-$1.75 per bushed instead of the usual 25¢ a bushel.
Fred Wilder has sold his 80 acre farm northwest of Clear Lake to James Anderson for $200 per acre.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
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