Remember When 9-2-2020
(Above) New weight machine in 1970 - Just arrived in 1970 at the Clear Lake High School, was a new circuit training weight machine. The new piece had 17 stations, allowing 30 boys to condition at one time. The weights were adjustable and enclosed and permited a coordinated physical training session for one group every 10 minutes.
by Michelle Watson
25 Years Ago
September 1995
An early afternoon fire, probably caused by an electrical malfunction, caused damage in excess of $35,00 at the Gerald and Judy Latch mobile home at the Long Beach Trailer Park in Clear Lake.
Residents of Ventura and thousands of others from North Iowa and beyond celebrated that town’s 100th birthday Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Although it was wet, Saturday morning’s parade still attracted a large crowd.
Clear Lake voters are being asked to renew the 67-cent Physical Plant and Equipment Levy. A simple majority is needed Tuesday, Sept. 12, to pass the measure for another five years.
Ventura has started the new school year with five new staff members. New staff includes: Roger Teeling, Donna Egy, Naomi Larson, Jacquelyn Keyser, and Rodney Goldsmith.
When she travels to New York City next month April Barnett will see the Statue of Liberty and other sights in a whole new light. The Clear Lake High School senior will visit the landmarks just days before she undergoes surgery on a brain tumor which threatens her eyesight.
The Clear Lake Evening Lion of the Year Award was recently presented to Lothar Meyer.
It was hardly as historic as a Centennial, but the Ventura Viking football team gave its CentennialFest crowd something that has not been done since 1993. The Vikings won a defensive battle Friday night, defeating Nora Springs-Rock Falls, 6-0, in non-district play. Sophomore Will Pueggel led the defense with seven tackles. Tom Menke attributed for half of the offense by carrying the ball 26 times for 131-yards.
The Clear Lake Lions allowed 13-points off an interception and a blocked punt early in the game, as they fell, 16-0, to Algona in the season opener. J.J. Sanchez and Justin Washburn led the defense with eight solo tackles apiece. Offensive leaders included Washburn, Sanchez, Andrew Nelson and John Hanley.
Clear Lake’s new head volleyball coach, Sharon Hauser, got a win in her first time coaching the team. The Lions defeated Green in five sets. Krista Fritz had an outstanding game, serving 22 for 23 and hitting 13 kills. Erin Pleggenkuhle cook control of the offense with 19 assists.
The Waylon Jennings concert will be held Friday, Oct. 6, at the Surf Ballroom.
50 Years Ago
August 1970
Unofficial enrollment at the Clear Lake schools totals 2,050 according to Supt. R.R. Lashier. Twelve new teachers have been added to the Clear Lake staff to replace teachers who have resigned for various reasons.
A Gibson Discount Center is scheduled to open in September. Location of the business will be on Highway 18 in a building formerly occupied by Red Owl.
The Ventura FFA is one of 55 carefully chosen chapters throughout Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana and Ohio which planted high lysine (higher protein content corn) corn in a special evaluation program sponsored by Funk Bros. Seed Co.
Grocery specials for the week at Jensen’s West Side include: Welch’s Grape Jelly, 2 lb. jar, 59¢; Hormel’s Spam, 12 oz. can, 59¢; Miracle Whip, qt., 39¢; Soft Touch Toilet Tissue, 2 roll pack, 25¢; chicken fryers, lb., 29¢; and ground beef, lb., 65¢.
75 Years Ago
July 1945
Mr. and Mrs. Tom E. Nelson, who were married in Colorado, were given a chivari Sunday night by friends and neighbors.
Friday morning when the news came that Japan had accepted the Potsdam peace terms was unofficially announced, it was gloomy and rainy in Clear Lake, but everyone was happy and bright over the news.
After more than 50 years in the blacksmith business, Walter Jensen has sold his shop-on south 4th St. to the Duregger brothers, Fred and Virgil.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ritz have sold the Ritz Hotel to Dean Gilles, of Osage. Mr. Gilles has been in radio work in Cedar Rapids for the past five years. The Gilles’ have two sons, Thomas and John.
100 Years Ago
July 1920
A group of men with the Commercial Club drove to Spirit Lake and Okoboji to investigate the building activities there. They found our sister city doing nicely, but Clear Lake is not lagging behind.
Cheek to cheek dancing has been barred at the University of Iowa. In the dancing room at the school gym, girls are taught before mirrors the correct angle and exact degree in the arm position.
E.C. Waller, for many years a member of the Clear Lake Police Department, and recently appointed chief to succeed the late W.W. Hyde, was painfully, but not seriously injured when he stepped off an auto going 30 mph while chasing speeders on the paved highway between Clear Lake and Mason City.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
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