Remember When 9-21-2016

(Above) Tom-Tom Ballroom, 1931In Dec. 1931, contractor George Petersen sold his bathhouse equipment and remodeled the bathhouse into a dance hall and renamed it the Tom Tom Ballroom. The Tom Tom Ballroom was destroyed by fire in August 1932.  Mr. Petersen then built a new dance hall on this location which was named the Surf.  In 1947, that building was also destroyed by fire.  The current Surf Ballroom was built across the street on North Shore Drive in 1948. This photo and more are featured in the Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter’s “Remember When - Around the Lake.” The new pictorial history book is a 78-page, hard-cover coffee table book that is now on sale.  This book is the first in a series of pictorial history books planned for publication. -Photo Credit:  John Larsen

25 Years Ago

September 1991

Saying that local government “Should be part of the solution, not part of the problem,” Clear Lake City Administrator Tom Lincoln said it is his recommendation the city adopt a conservative posture in the wake of the announcement that Unisys will close its plant here in March 1992.

William L. Nicholas, chairman of the board of Community State Bank of Clear Lake, and Robert E. Westbee, chairman and executive officer of First Interstate Bank of Iowa-North, have jointly announced the two banks have signed a letter of intent to merge CSB into First Interstate-North.

TeamQuest Corporation is inviting the general public to an open house at its new offices in Cornerstone Park in Clear Lake on Sunday, Sept. 21.

Two incumbents to the Clear Lake School Board were returned to their positions by voters.  Current Board President Larry Hoffman and William Kennedy received 309 and 308 votes respectively to outdistance first-time challenger Ray Aucker, Sr.  In Ventura, Larry Costello and Dave Pueggell received approval to the board.

Weekend rains boosted the level of Clear Lake more than two and one-half inches to its new level of +2.52” above the weir.

Clear Lake has announced their 10 queen candidates for Homecoming week festivities.  Those vying for the crown are Julia Jacobson, Renee Sheahan, Tonya Hansen, Sabra Aswan, Jessica Jorgensen, Jennifer Stealy, Kim Hayes, Lori Miller, Kara Foehrkolb and Jodi Minard.

Dick and Bobbie Casey, Clear Lake, announce the arrival of Margaret Susan Casey.  She was born Aug. 27, 1991.

According to Clear Lake’s volleyball coach, Lisa Friesen, the team is improving, but are still looking for their first victory.  Against Iowa Falls, Jodi Minard led the team serving 17-17 with one ace serve.  Ronda Paulus led in kills with four in 10 attempts.

The Ventura Lady Vikes beat Northeast Hamilton in five games.  Jenni Fey went 23/25 serving with eight aces.  She also had eight kills.  Kim Meyer was 22/24 with eight aces.

Friday night’s lightning and thunder fueled the adrenaline of the Clear Lake Lions as they faced Algona in a conference season opener, 20-0.  Clear Lake’s rushing leaders were Jeff Lester with 54-yards, Mark Moeller with 47, Joe Sokol and Dan Hansen both with 15-yards.

The Ventura Booster Club will hold their annual Chili and Vegetable Soup Supper in conjunction with Homecoming.

Grocery specials for the week at Easter’s Super Valu include: bananas, 3 lbs., $1; Green Giant Vegetables, 16 oz. bag, 59¢; Mardi Gras Paper Towels, jumbo roll, 2.89¢; Frito Lay Doritos, 24 oz., $2.89; Old Style Beer, 12-12 oz. cans, $3.89; Corn King Bacon, lb., $1.29; Family Pack Pork Chops lb., $1.49; and 80% lean ground beef, lb., $1.48.

50 Years Ago

September 1966

The Clear Lake Golf Club was hit for the fourth time this year by a thief or thieves Wednesday night.  Stolen from the pro shop were a new set of irons with a retail value of $165.  Also taken was 162 cans of beer and $5 in cash.  Entrance was gained by breaking a screen and opening a window.

Directors for the Clear Lake Chamber of Commerce for the coming year are Crosby Ingersoll, Vin Minette, Kenneth Van Duzer, Larry Uhrich, Joe Roth, John Miller, Edward Kotz, Donald Grandson, M.A. Huntsman, Lee Fredericks, Carroll Anderson, Bob Tanner, Elgin Morris and Harold Ver Steegh.

The Clear Lake cross country team won the first five spots at the Northwood meet.  Lion harriers finishing in the one through five spots were Rog Mayland, John Severtson, Craig Chapman, Lon Akerberg and Bruce Evenrude.

Grocery specials for the week at Shop-N-Save included: Folgers Coffee, 2 lbs., $1.19; Gala Paper Towels, 39¢; Star Kist Tuna, 6.5 oz. can, 39¢; Ore-Ida Hashbrowns, 2 lb., 29¢; chuck steak, lb., 49¢; beef roast, lb., 39¢.

60 Years Ago

August 1956

“Operation Steak and Beans” membership drive of the Clear Lake Chamber of Commerce added 53 new members.  Members of Larry Halsne’s winning team ate steaks at the Banquet, while Ralph Ott’s listing team ate beans.

Mrs. George Klaassen entertained 12 of the children in the Silver Boot and Outlet Park area who had helped with the petunia project, at a picnic and hamburger fry Saturday at Macintosh Woods State Park.  After the picnic they went to the Klaassen cottage and cooked chili.

Mrs. Emmabelle Morse was appointed secretary of the Clear Lake Community School District Board of Education, succeeding Robert F. Ingersoll, secretary of the Board since 1953.

The Lakeside Ladies Aid served 95 at their public dinner Sunday, clearing $82.

Jan Garber, the idol of the airlines, came to the Surf Sept. 27.

85 Years Ago

September 1931

Clear Lake is recovering from one of the worst tornado, hail and rain storms that ever hit this vicinity, causing the death of one woman, and the loss of nearly $100,000 in property.

Mayor and Mrs W.H. Ward returned from a three week motor trip through the west.  They traveled over 5,000 miles.

George Knutson is improving his residence by enclosing the porch with glass this converting it into a nice sun parlor.Junior Whitesides is happy over the recovery of his bicycle, well, at least part of his bicycle, which was stolen from his home some three weeks ago.  The handle bars, seat and fenders are still missing.

Bobby Griggs Orchestra furnished the music for the first dancing party for the season at the Clear Lake Golf and Country Club on Friday evening.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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