Remember When 9-30-2020
CLHS Homecoming, 1995 - Meghann Artes and Josh Lockwood (center) were crowned as Clear Lake High School’s 1995 Homecoming queen and king. Attendants were (L-R): Jill Minard, Andrea Jennings, Molly Finstad, Jamie Matson, Jeff Lewis, J.J. Sanchez, Justin Lyster and Mike Anderson.
by Michelle Watson
25 Years Ago
October 1995
The Iowan magazine wrote an article on Clear Lake’s the Outing Club in a recent issue. The article stated that The Outing Club has been a community of its own since its inception. Cottages don’t often change hands, and when they do, it’s usually by word of mouth. Members occasionally rent out their cottages for a season, but it’s discouraged. When Marlon Brando’s family rented for a summer when the actor was a child, the membership requested that they not return.
The determination of a handful of Clear Lake men who believed in “Service Above Self” is responsible for the Rotary Club marking 75 years.
Ventura students will name their Homecoming queen and king in special ceremonies Friday afternoon in the high school gymnasium. The candidates are Ellie Pueggel, Abby Ringus, Erin Watson, Dan Fields, Andy Luscomb and Mitch McNulty.
Local talent, Ryan Rydstrom, age nine, of Clear Lake, performed in a music video shoot at Living History Farms in Des Moines. The music video, “Rebecca Lynn,” will be aired in late September on the cable country music channel. Musician Bryan White, 21, performs the song in the video.
Mike and Ranae Joynt, of Ventura, announce the birth of their daughter, Emily Ann, born Aug. 19, 1995.
Farmers State Bank of Grafton has received approval from bank regulatory officials for the purchase of the Ventura Bank office currently owned and operated by Boatmen’s Bank in Ventura.
Alice Hanley, of Clear Lake, was recognized as a 1995 National Sales Award winner at the annual convention of The Longaberger Company in Columbus, Ohio. Hanley had annual sales of $101,220.
The smell of rain and excitement was in the air at Lions Field Friday night as the 4-1 Crestwood Cadets came to town for a ballgame that lived up to all expectations. The Clear Lake Lions entertained the Homecoming crowd with everything from big plays to questionable calls. Unfortunately, the Lions were the victims, falling 13-12, in the hard-fought battle.
The Clear Lake cross country team is trying to nurse some injuries and illness back into the line-up before the conference meet next week. In the Humboldt meet, Matt Otis was the top placing Lion. He finished in 52nd place. Nicole Severson led the girls with a 79th place finish.
Grocery specials for the week include: Barq’s Root Beer, 12-12 oz. cans, $2.69; Del Monte Spaghetti Sauce, 26.5 oz. can, 79¢; Keystone Beer, 12-12 oz. cans, $3.99; Purina Dog Chow, 25 lb. bag, $6.99; chuck roast, lb., $1.29; and 80% learn ground beef, lb., $1.09.
50 Years Ago
September 1970
Third District U.S. Rep. H.R. Gross was honored Saturday night as more than 650 persons paid $25 per plate for dinner at the Surf. The main speaker was Sen. Robert Dole, of Kansas.
M.A. (Curly) Hintzman and Bernice Johnson were rehired as director and secretary of the Clear Lake Chamber.
Playing at the Lake Theater is Elliott Gould and Candice Bergen in, “Getting Straight.”
“Fumble”seemed to be the name of the game at the Ventura football field Friday night. Despite the miscues on both sides of the ball, the Vikings prevailed over the Klemme Shamrocks.
Specials at the Holiday store include: orange or avocado fondue pot, $3.99; Proctor 5-speed, six button blender, $9.88; a wide assortment of mops and brooms, 99¢ each; and a two slice toaster, $6.99.
65 Years Ago
September 1955
Clear Lake’s North Shore addition, Country Club Heights, is experiencing a building boom this year. Seventeen building permits have been issued for the tract, with one additional home being planned, according to the records of the City Clerk.
Staff Sgt. Charles Skellenger is spending a 30-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Skellenger. He came from Merced, Calif., and following his leave will go to the French Morocco.
100 Years Ago
August 1920
Bobbie Robinson, driving the speed boat, Bobolink, officially brought the season to a close at Bayside Park Sunday by winning a speed boat race from the Dorothy Reel, piloted by Dick Nettleton and the Halford, owned by Charlie Comstok. Thousands of spectators lined the banks of the lake at Bayside.
Acre after acre of corn was laid flat by the wind and rain that tore through the countryside Friday after a heat wave the past few days.
More than 1,400 ladies registered at the rest room this summer and many are the words of praise given to the Civic League women for their efforts.
The first football accident of the season was reported when Dale Kretzinger, one of the cracksmen of the H.S. 11, had the misfortune to break his arm.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
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