Spectator guidelines set for Clear Lake events

by Dale Ludwig, CL Athletic Director

As we begin a new school year, Clear Lake Community School is asking spectators at all activity and athletic events (indoor and outdoor) to wear a mask to help control the spread of the COVID-19 virus.  We also need spectators to practice good social distancing protocol at these events.  If we adhere to good social distancing and wear a mask at our events, then our kids will get to continue to perform and be involved in our school activities and athletics.

We are asking people to be responsible, respectful and reasonable when attending events. Abide by COVID-19 Guidelines at home and away venues.

We Ask…You Wear A Mask” “#MaskUpCL”  It’s good for everyone.  Thanks for your support!

T-shirts are for sale from the Lion Shoppe, “We Ask…You Wear A Mask.”  Contact Dani Gansen if interested.

Here are some guidelines for Football Games this season at Lions Field:

•Do not attend events, if you are experiencing any COVID symptoms and/or have been in contact with a confirmed Positive Case.

•Social Distance when in the complex (6 feet).

•Wear a mask even if you can social distance.

•All students will be required to wear a mask.  Adults are strongly encouraged to wear a mask.

•Bleacher seating:  MS and HS students will be in the north end of the bleachers.  The other two sections are for adults and families.  When sitting in the bleachers, people should spread out as much as possible.  We will have extra bleacher seating south of the main bleachers.  There will be room for people to sit in lawn chairs.  So we encourage you to bring your lawn chair.  Standing along the fence is still permissible.  We ask that you social distance as much as possible.

•Concession Stand will be open.  However, we will be not be grilling or selling hot food items.  It will be bottled beverage, candy and some pre-packaged food items.  Please refrain from bringing in outside food and beverage.

We appreciate your cooperation with these guidelines.  We all need to work together so our kids can participate in these events.  More guidance will be coming on volleyball and cross country venues.

Live Streaming:  We will be live streaming all our home events at Lions Field and HS Gym.  More information will be available on School Website.

Thanks for your support and cooperating with these expectations!  GO LIONS!!!

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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