Vaccines arrive in North Iowa

(Above) Corrine Butler shared a message as she received a COVID-19 vaccination at Country Meadow Place last week. The #FollowMe movement encourages people to  get the vaccine  and help slow the spread of COVID-19.-Submitted photo.

Long term care center staff, residents are first vaccinated

by Marianne Gasaway

The new year has brought about the rollout of COVID-19 vaccinations to health care workers and long term care residents.

On Monday, Jan. 4, 60 staff and residents received the first round of the vaccine at Country Meadow Place, according to Tyler Hedegard, Community Relations coordinator at Country Meadow Place.  The facility will be offering all staff and residents multiple opportunities to receive the vaccine, including all future move ins, he added.

CVS employees administered the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to over 100 residents, employees, tenants and others at the first COVID-19 vaccination clinic held at Oakwood on Tuesday, Jan. 5.  Sheri Weaver-Isvik, Oakwood administrator received the first vaccine, kicking off the beginning

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of the clinic.  Oakwood’s second clinic is scheduled for Jan. 26.

  “This was a very exciting day for the Oakwood and The Courtyard teams.  In all my years in long term care I cannot remember a time that I looked forward to anything as much as I have looked forward to this vaccination clinic,” said Weaver-Isvik.  “After being locked down since March 12, 2020, the vaccination clinic was our first concrete step towards opening up Oakwood and The Courtyard again.”

Weaver-Isvik added that front line workers tend to get the credit for working in this pandemic, but the real heroes are the residents.  

“Their sacrifices have been far greater than any of us as employees.  We have, and continue in our efforts to keep their spirits up, but the bottom line is we need to get our doors open to family and friends, as well as be able to resume our activities that include trips outside of Oakwood,” she said.

As of Jan. 11, the Iowa Department of Public Health reports 91,501 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered to Iowa residents.  One thousand three hundred sixty-one doses were administered to residents of Cerro Gordo County.

CG Public Health Director Brian Hanft said that while he is thankful to see a public so excited to receive their vaccination, he expects it to take some time for all healthcare workers in the county to get vaccinated.  Once that happens, the vaccine will begin to be distributed to the next groups by following guidance from the Iowa Department of Public Health and the Infectious Disease Advisory Council.

Hanft stresses officials do not yet know who will get the vaccine next after healthcare workers and long-term care residents and staff. 

“There is no list the public needs to be on to sign up for vaccination, he added.  There is no need to call your doctor, the local hospitals, or the health departments to sign up to get the vaccine.  CG Public Health will let the public know when vaccination is possible. 

  “In the meantime, it remains vitally important that all continue to take the necessary steps to decrease the spread of COVID-19.  Always wear a mask while in public, practice social distancing, wash your hands often, and do not gather with those that do not live in your household.  These steps, combined with a safe and effective vaccine, draw the road map to a quick and sustainable recovery, added Hanft.


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