Watts announces re-election run for county supervisor post

Chris Watts has announced he will seek re-election to Cerro Gordo County Board of Supervisors, District 3.

Watts was first elected to the Board of Supervisors in 2016, defeating Democrat Phil Dougherty.  Dougherty had served for 16 years in that role until Watts defeated him after previous attempts.

Watts spoke of the achievements of the Board of Supervisors over the past three years. He mentioned: savings of over $4 million to county taxpayers on reforms to county employee retirement and health insurance package, passed in 2019; updates to deteriorating county infrastructure such as bridges, roads, equipment and facilities, including road graters, trucks, and a new county engineering building project beginning soon which will consolidate three locations; opening board vacancies to

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a more formal public application process; lowering the county tax levy three straight years; refusing the Compensation Board’s recommended pay raise four straight years; and lowering the county social services tax levy, saving taxpayers over $50,000.

“I’m excited about and looking forward to the next four years in the courthouse and what this board can accomplish together with our citizens and county employees,” said Watts.  “Consolidating and streamlining county operations and services while still serving citizens and saving them money is a top priority for me.”

He said future endeavors at the courthouse could include: expansion of renewable energy sources, putting property back on the county tax roll, continuing to hold steady or lower the county tax levy and continuing to turn down recommended pay raises  for supervisors.


Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

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