Page 1 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 7-8-2015
P. 1
Veterans Honored pg. 14
Sunny and
Sunny and warmer
for the weekend with
a high of 85 degrees
on both Saturday
and Sunday.
More weather on page 5.
USPS 117-120 VOL. 145 Issue 27 July 8, 2015 Serving Clear Lake and Ventura since 1869 • Hometown newspaper of Marc & Lori Borgman $1.50
Clear Lake U of I police captain chosen as new CL police chief
CALENDAR Newly appointed Police Chief Pete Roth and his wife, Lisa, rode in the University of Iowa Police Captain Pete “I thought it was critical to make sure of Iowa and a Masters in Public Adminis-
department’s classic patrol car in the July 4th parade. Roth has been named as the next Clear Lake we did all we could to find the best fit for tration from Drake University. He began
Wednesday chief of police. Formal appointment of the the community and the department and his career in law enforcement in Johnson
Open mic night City’s new top cop took place at the Mon- that shouldn’t be rushed,” Crabb said. County, Kansas and the City of Mission,
day, July 6, City Council meeting. Flory said the City was honored to have Kan.
The Surf Ballroom holds its City Administrator Scott Flory said three highly qualified finalists to fully vet to The Clear Lake City Council approved
Open Mic Night each Wednes- Thursday the 45-year-old married father of ensure someone of high integrity would be Roth’s hiring at Monday night’s meeting
day. Anyone interested in per- two has agreed to a tentative offer of em- selected. and he is scheduled to begin work in Clear
forming may take the stage ployment with the City, subject to Council “He and his spouse, Lisa, are fully- Lake on Aug. 3. He will be sworn in at the
in the Surf ’s Cypress Lounge. approval. He noted that the selection of committed to the community and the de- Aug. 3 regular Council meeting.
Doors open at 6:30 p.m.; show Captain Roth follows a four-month-long re- partment and Pete understands the unique The future Chief of the CLPD was in
time is 7 p.m. Admission is free. cruitment process that he further described dynamics of our City,” said Crabb. “He’s town on Friday to spend the day with the
as “extensive.” going to be a great chief of police.” department and took part in the Fourth
Thursday “Both Mayor Nelson P. Crabb and I At the University of Iowa, Roth over- of July parade and other events during the
Thursdays on Main were really comfortable at the end of that sees 22 sworn police officers, four lieuten- holiday weekend.
lengthy analysis that Mr. Roth was the right ants and two sergeants in the University’s The City has been without a permanent
The Clear Lake Area Cham- candidate for the City of Clear Lake,” stated uniformed patrol division. He has been Chief of Police since former Chief Greg
ber of Commerce hosts Thurs- Flory. with the Iowa City college’s public safety Peterson retired in April of 2014. Interim
days on Main each week. From Roth was one of three finalists to be division since 2008, previously serving 10 Chief of Police Rex McChesney passed away
6-11 p.m. Thursday, July 9, interviewed in closed session by the Clear years with the Clive Police Department. He Dec. 26, 2014, after a courageous battle
there will be live music, featured Lake City Council during the past week. has a Bachelors degree from the University with cancer.
entertainment, classic cars, a
bounce house, hand-powered Another record-setting Fourth
kiddie train rides, a vendor An outstanding five-day celebration of
street market and retail stores the Fourth of July holiday got even better The July 4th parade entry from Burns Financial proudly carried the American flag. -Reporter photos by Chris Barragy
stay open late. At 6:30, special Monday when officials from Evans United
entertainment on the 300 block Shows informed the Clear Lake Chamber of
(SE corner of City Park) will be Commerce the event was a record-setter.
provided by the Iowa All Star “It was their best in 42-years— even bet-
Cheer Group. From 7-9 p.m. tering the record they set last year,” said Tim
You Knew Me When will play Coffey, executive director of the Clear Lake
music in the 400 block of Main Area Chamber of Commerce. “I would char-
(next to Larson’s Mercantile) acterize the entire event as an outstanding
and from 9-10:45 “Blended” success.”
(PG-13) will be shown in City Coffey said that while it is hard to mea-
Park. All activities are free. sure the huge crowds and the feedback the
Chamber receives, he felt the event had
Summer showcase equalled or exceeded last year’s record-setting
marks. This week he learned Bingo revenue,
Neil Hewitt will be the fea- which supports Chamber activities, was up
tured performer when the Surf 20 percent.
Ballroom and Museum contin- “Our Bingo tent, seeing people 10 to 14
ues its Summer Showcase Series deep on the parade route and huge crowds
at entertainment in the park and fireworks
continued are all barometers. This verifies that we are
the top Fourth of July celebration for the en-
More CALENDAR tire state. I couldn’t be more pleased,” said
on page 2 Coffey. He also credited the City of Clear
Lake and volunteers for making the event run
Inside smoothly. “The City is a great silent partner
in this event.”
Opinion..................... 4 Trish Fundermann, special projects di-
Weather.................... 5 rector for the Chamber, piled thanks on Tom
Sports................13-15 and Nancy Evans and their hard-working
Legals..................... 17 crew.
Classifieds.........18-19 “Evans United Shows is the best— great
people and hard workers. Tom always says
The lake level dropped 1.56” they want to leave the area better than they
to its new reading of +2.52” found it and they always manage to do that.
above the weir. Last year at It’s just amazing,” she said. Fundermann said
this time the lake measured the Arch Allies, a tribute band performing a
free concert amid the carnival atmosphere, is
+6.12” above the weir. always her favorite memory of the Fourth cel-
PHONE: 641-923-2837 EXT. 3 As Tom Evans watched his operation be-
ing dismantled Sunday he felt it had been a
How to contact us at: good event in many ways.
“It all seemed to go smoothly and there
Mail: 12 N. 4th St., were a lot of people here to enjoy it,” he said,
Clear Lake, IA 50428 sitting along side Alice Hanley, who has
Telephone: 641-357-2131 served as the Chamber’s chair of the event for
Fax: 641-357-2133 several years. Hanley noted the spectacular
Email: weather set the perfect scene for all sorts of
Website: family fun, centered in City Park and extend-
ing to the community’s business district and
@CLReporter lake. Evans wasn’t ready to say Sunday that
the crowds had translated to a record carnival,
based on receipts, but when the tallying was
complete it was verified.
“Everything went very well and it was
another great stay in Clear Lake,” said owner
Tom Evans. “We thank the Chamber and ev-
eryone who worked so hard to get ready for
a great event. We love coming to Clear Lake
and enjoyed seeing all of our friends.”
A special parade (Above) Evans United Shows Carnival rides were filled during the five-day cel-
ebration. (Above right) One dad, equipped with a Go-Pro camera on his head,
One of the most special moments of joined his son on the Go-Gater to create an unusual memory. (Bottom right) Local
the July 4th holiday came during the annual historian H Milton Duesenberg served as Parade Grand Marshal.
See JULY 4TH on page 2