Installation to begin on Ventura water meters

Ventura city officials have announced that appointments for installation of new water meters will begin today (Wednesday, Aug. 26).  Please call 641-525-0761 to schedule a time for the meter installation.  An adult 18 years old or older must be present during the time of installation.

The goal is to get all meters in Ventura replaced within a three week window.  Therefore, it is imperative to make an appointment during this timeframe.  The installers are starting in the Venetian Village area and working their way west.  This is to ensure that summer residents are accommodated.  Weekend appointments are available to assist summer residents.

Should a homeowner fail to make an appointment, door knocking will commence between the hours of 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. and a door hanger will be placed on the front door notifying the homeowner of an attempt to change the meter.

The installation is mandatory to continue receiving water service.  There is no cost for the installation of the new meter, however, there may be residual costs involved with faulty shut-off valves inside the home.

The city has contracted with Metering & Technology Solutions, Burnsville, Minn., to furnish the new water meters.  The new meters will use a modern cellular network to provide an effective and efficient two-way remote communications channel between utilities and water meters.  Traditional meters need to be manually read by an employee.  With the installation of smart meters, a reading is typically reported back once a day and will reflect actual usage used with no loss.

Smart meters also create a more informed consumer. Rather than waiting weeks, or even months to provide water usage data, a smart water meter supplies real-time information,

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allowing consumers to better understand and monitor water consumption daily. Unknowns such as leaks, breaks and other inefficiencies can be identified instantaneously, saving water and money. With greater access, consumers are not only able to more closely monitor and modify behaviors, they can use the data to identify potential issues early, allowing the utility to detect and repair minor problems before they become major issues. There is an app that can be downloaded to a consumer’s cell phone and the typical snowbird will be able to monitor their summer home for water usage while they are away.  Peace of mind, for those that have suffered a water service break during the winter.

The installation takes approximately 20 minutes.  During that time the installer will need to enter the residence.  All installers have been had background checks and will be wearing an identifiable vest.  An adult must be present for the installer to enter the home.

“At this point, we would like homeowners to check their inside water shut-off valve before the meter, to make sure that it is functioning properly,” said Else Taylor, City Clerk.   “The water will need to be shut-off before the meter for the installation.   It is the homeowner’s responsibility for the homeowner to have a functioning water shut-off valve inside the house.”


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