Remember When October 28, 2015

(Above) 1133rd send-off in 1990 - 

North Iowans lined County Road B-35 (old Highway 106) from the National Guard Armory in Mason City to Interstate 35 in Clear Lake to give members of the 1133rd a supportive send-off to Fort McCoy in 1990.  There were flags and banners to show the guardsmen they will be remembered while serving out country.

[caption id="attachment_13781" align="alignleft" width="270"]Clear Lake guardsmen These Clear Lake men were members of the 1133rd National Guard Unit stationed in Mason City which was ordered to report to Fort McCoy in 1990.  The men are (L-R): Douglas Ames, Larry Benson, Michael Bergan (seated), Steven Snow (standing in center), Phillip Krambeer, Larry Bergan and Larry Hesley. Clear Lake guardsmen
These Clear Lake men were members of the 1133rd National Guard Unit stationed in Mason City which was ordered to report to Fort McCoy in 1990. The men are (L-R): Douglas Ames, Larry Benson, Michael Bergan (seated), Steven Snow (standing in center), Phillip Krambeer, Larry Bergan and Larry Hesley.[/caption]

25 Years Ago

October 1990

Clear Lake officials plan to roll out the red carpet Thursday for special visitors to the community.  Pella Rolscreen Co., makers of Pella Windows, have announced Clear Lake is one of four finalists in its search for a factory location to build custom windows and doors.  The other communities under consideration are Spirit Lake, Red Oak and Shenandoah.  The city is urging residents to write letters or notes of support and encouragement for the company to build here.  A greeting at the airport, complete with the Clear Lake High School marching band, will kick things off.

The former All-Veteran’s Social Center may be restored to the days of yore if the interest of some local civic organizations transpires into reality.  At the annual meeting of the All-Vet’s board, it was decided that the dilapidated fieldstone building will be leased at a cost of $1 per year.  The Lions proposed to the boar that a non-profit organization be established and take over operation of the building.  By establishing such a group, applications can be made for grants and other financial aid.

The efforts of the local Lake S.A.F.E. have earned the community a unique distinction in the state.  Iowa Governor Terry Branstad will be here to present an award and proclaim Clear Lake a S.A.F.E. community.

Two Clear Lake businessmen have announced their intention to develop 80-acres of land south of Clear Lake to accommodate single family residential homes.  Al Miller and Dave DeWaard have purchased a tract of land located just south of Oak Hills Golf Course.  They will develop houses in the $85,000 and upward range.

The Clear Lake cross country team competed in the North Central Conference meet.  The boys team came in fourth out of six teams.  The girls took sixth place.  Robert Doebel paced the boys with a 13th place finish in 18:38.  Jason Simmer was 22nd with a time of 19:12 and Kirk Sorbo was 26th in 19:33.  Coach Jerry Morris praised the leadership of the seniors, Sorbo, Quinten Harris, Chad Whitecotton and Chris Suntken.  The girls were led by Elise Den Hartog who was 19th in a time of 14:23.  Stacie Peterson was 21st in 14:42.

The Clear Lake volleyball team lost a match to Clarion, but bounced back with a win over Algona.  Michele Punke, Jodi Minard, Kathy Walls and Lori Miller all served at 100 percent against Clarion.

Clear Lake’s Aaron Marken rushed for 214-yards Friday night in Clear Lake’s 55-21 win over Iowa Falls.  Marken brought his season record to 1,052 yards on 146 carries, averaging 7.2 yards per carry.  Market is Clear Lake’s second leading rusher since 1968 when records started to be kept.  Dave Ward rushed for 1,137 yards in 1974.  Marken has made 13 touchdowns this season.

50 Years Ago

October 1965

Despite a late summer barrage of rainfall and chilling temperatures, Clear Lake experienced a highly successful resort season.  In fact, the consensus among many resort owners and other businessmen is that the summer of 1965 was the “best” on record.  It is estimated 350,000 used the State parks.

An expert on downtown development and related projects will be the principle speaker at a meeting in the theater room of the high school.  All those interested in urban renewal are invited.

Playing at the Lake Theater is Patty Duke starring in, “Billie’s Got the Beat.”

Jan Luscomb was crowned as the Homecoming Queen at Ventura High School.

Coach Norman Rutz was very pleased with the play of his charges against Eagle Grove Friday night, although the Lions dropped the contest, 20-0.  Clear Lake’s Roger Ashland did all he could, as he supplied almost all of Clear Lake’s offense.

75 Years Ago

October 1940

L.J. Kutschara planted peach seeds in his yard several years ago.  As a result he has several nice peach trees bearing fruit nicely.  There were about two bushels of fine peaches, besides those that were stolen by hungry boys.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Brooks and Mr. and Mrs. B.G. Pierce retuned from a 1,700 miles trip south.  They spent several days in Oklahoma where Mr. Pierce has a beautiful new skating rink in the Municipal Auditorium.  Operating this rink are Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Garlock and Bill Murphy, all former Clear Lake residents.

100 Years Ago

October 1915

The Kugler Brothers have purchased an absolutely smokeless and dustless flash light and now they can take interior pictures of your home or places of business and they can do it well.

The Friday night frost killed all vegetation and corn in the fields is now being shocked.

A.R. Martin has sold his restaurant to Mrs. Ella Burdock.

Patterson’s line of winter horse clothing is complete.  Now your horse can be warm and properly dressed for the winter weather.

There is something new at the O.T. Hansen Co. it is Tuna fish in a can.

During the past six month the people in Clear Lake have taken a great interest in improving and beautifying their premises.  The women’s clubs have offered cash prizes for the feat.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

Mid-America Publishing

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