Neighbor helping neighbor
Christmas wishes, needs remain on tree
Looking for a way to make your Christmas more meaningful? Please consider The Giving Tree at the Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter, 12 N. 4th St.
The 26th Annual Giving Tree features ornaments representing the needs of local families this holiday season. Some ornaments represent a child’s needs, while others request donations of food gift cards.
Sign-up forms for the Giving Tree were distributed in the Clear Lake School District last month. They were also sent home with those attending Head Start and Lake Town Charlie Brown.
The Clear Lake School District is in charge of distributing, as well as processing the forms filled out by parents specifying needs they have for their children. The school district then provides the Mirror-Reporter with ornaments representing the needs of each child. Other ornaments will list the size of a family requesting a food gift card.
This year gifts must be brought to the Mirror-Reporter office by Wednesday, Dec. 16.
In the 25 years that the Mirror-Reporter has housed the tree, needs have never been left unmet. In fact, those choosing ornaments often remark that they had more fun shopping for someone they didn’t know than someone they did. They put time into thinking about their gifts, had fun wrapping them and like to think about how excited a child might be to open their presents on Christmas Day.
Questions regarding sign-up for the Giving Tree should be directed to Sally Duesenberg at Clear Lake Schools, 641-357-5288. Those with questions about purchasing gifts or food for families, or wishing to make a donation which will be dedicated to the Giving Tree, should contact Marianne Morf at the Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter, 357-2131.
This year the tree features approximately 177 ornaments.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
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