Remember When 12-2-2015

(Above) CLHS wrestlers, 1965 - A host of lettermen led the Clear Lake High School wrestling team in 1965.  The team began its second year of wrestling in 1965.  The Lion lettermen are front (L-R): Gary May, Dave Henn, Gene Baker, Doug Bitker and Robbie Tibbitts.  Second row (L-R): Jack Anderson, Rick Miller, Duane Schlichting, Dave Erickson and Larry Otten.  Standing behind the team is Head Coach John Klaudt.

25 Years Ago

November 1990

An unusual number of fires in the Ventura area has officials investigating the possibility of an arsonist in the area.  The Ventura Fire Department has responded to approximately 14 separate fires, usually blazes in ditches, since Nov. 21, according to Ventura Assistant Fire Chief Darwin Avery.  He added that rural residents have also informed officials that they have put out small fires in their farm areas.

The City of Clear Lake is considering a new ordinance that will treat stray cats similar to dogs.  The ordinance, recommended by Police Chief Dan Jackson, states cats must be vaccinated against rabies and may not run free.  If stray cats are picked up by police officers, owners will be fined.  Cats will not need to be licensed or wear a collar.  Until the ordinance issue is decided, the police department will continue to loan out its five live traps with the provision that whatever is caught must be brought to the police.

The Reverend Daniel Krumrei, pastor of the Christian Church, Clear Lake, is training at Fort McCoy, Wis. with the Iowa National Guard 209th medical unit in Iowa City.  Krumrei will serve as the unit staff chaplain.  The unit has been ordered to Saudi Arabia.  An interim pastor is being sought.

Corporal Michael P. Barragy, a member of the 2nd Battalion, Delta Battery, 14th Marine, a reserve unit based in Waterloo, Iowa, will report to active duty Nov. 29.  On or before Dec. 1 the unit will leave for Camp Le Jeune, North Carolina, and around mid-December, for Operation Desert Shield.  Corporal Barragy is the son of Joe and Mary Barragy, of Clear Lake, and a 1983 graduate of Clear Lake High School.

Miss North Iowa, Tammy Bullington, received a scholarship to the Joffrey Ballet School in New York City.

Dean Kolinsky and Larry Day, local realtors, have been awarded the Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) Designation by the Residential Sales (RS) Council of the Realtors National Marketing Institute, affiliated with the National Association of Realtors.  Molinsky and Day are owner/brokers of Triad Realty, 801 Main Ave., Clear Lake.

Returning letter winners for the Clear Lake High School wrestling program are: Kurt Vala, Shawn Zimmerman, Chad Whitecotton, Ryan Ruppert, Mike Andrews, Sean O’Hare, Andy Hansen, Jay Barragy, Jason Skinner, Mark Deike, Jason Salge, J.T. Turnbull, Jesse Kaiser, Jason Stoke.

50 Years Ago

November 1965

Clear Lake experienced a 20-day dry spell according to M-R weather statistical L.S. Knutson.  In the month of November we have received .96” of precipitation.  On the morning of Nov. 12, the temperature dipped to 12 degrees.

Stinehart Implement’s annual John Deere Day will be held at the Clearview Roller Rink.  Free lunch and prizes are planned.

Bottle-tossers and marksmen with rifles and shotguns are proving they can hit the big signs providing information for the state’s interstate highway travelers, stated the Iowa State Highway Commission.  Crews have been busy for several weeks, replacing, washing and spraying a protective clear coating over the sign faces and repairing damage.

Playing at the Lake Theater is Betty Davis, in “The Nanny.”

75 Years Ago

November 1940

A severe blizzard struck Clear Lake over the weekend.  Rain was followed by sleet and heavy winds which made travel by auto all but impossible.  About six inches of snow fell.  Drifts were two feet deep in front to Moeller’s, P.G.E., and Williams and McGowans Hardware.

Clear Lake Auction Co. had 13 steer stolen Wednesday night.  Loss is estimated at $800.  The thieves are thought to be professionals.

Mason City and Clear Lake Railway have begun preparation work for the ice harvest.  They seem to think the lake will freeze over again.

The town fishing dock has been removed, but several private docks are still in.

100 Years Ago

November 1915

J.D. Minimum is now shipping about 1,200 pounds of dressed poultry each day.

This morning at 7 a.m., one of the foreigners on the paving gang stabbed the Bulgarian boss in the arm, inflicting an awful wound, from which he fainted in a few minutes from loss of blood.  The quarrel arose over wages.

Several young people enjoyed a wiener roast along Lime Creek Saturday night.

B.G. Richardson, one of the earliest settlers of the county passed away at his home near Hanlontown.

Corn in the field around Clear Lake is selling for $1 per acre.  Whoever heard of such a condition before in this part of Iowa?

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

Mid-America Publishing

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