Dance Team cleans up at State Competition

(Above) State Champions - Members of the 2015-16 Clear Lake High School Dance Team include front row (L-R): Hannah Reick, Ali Witt, Marissa Olk (Captain), Sophie Schultz (Asst. Captain), Ellie Tindall (Asst. Captain) and Jaedyn Copney.  Back row (L-R):  Mia Katter, Kourtney Mundt, Sophia Willis, Madison Finstad, Kate Franke, Ellie Schulze, Lily Deets, Grace Hartnett, Lexie Holtz.  -Submitted photo

The Clear Lake High School Dance Team participated in the 2016 Iowa State Dance Competition at Wells Fargo Arena on Dec. 3-4, in Des Moines.  This was the state competition’s 40th anniversary.

The team participated in three categories:

•Class IV Jazz: where they performed a routine choreographed by Katie Stoltman.  They received a division I rating.

•Class V Hip-Hop: they performed a pirate themed routine choreographed by Michelle Barlas.  They received a division 1 rating and placed first in the category.

•Class VIII Pom: they performed a Rosie the Riveter-Work themed routine choreographed by Richelle Orr. They received a division 1 rating and placed first in the category.

The team was also recognized for academic excellence.

“Although the Clear Lake dance program is known as a strong one throughout the state, they have only brought home a state championship once before in 2010,” said Coach Liz LeFevre.  “That was the year team captain Marissa Olk’s sisters were seniors.  After graduating seven seniors last year, and having only four upperclassmen this year, the team decided to get back to the basics and add a lot of new things to practice to address weaknesses.  The upperclassmen were self-less leaders, always putting the best for the team ahead of themselves.”

  The team started learning these routines in August and put in over 40 hours of practice in November alone- all while participating in other school activities.

The team is coached by LeFevre.  Katy Lubkeman is the assistant coach.

Corporate sponsors for the team include: Gold Sponsors, First Gabrielson Agency and Clear Lake Bank and Trust and Silver Sponsors, Dean Snyder Construction, Burtness-Lundgren Plumbing & Heating, and Hogan & Hansen.

There will be an ice cream social to celebrate the Clear Lake Dance Team’s two State Championships on Sunday, Dec 13, at 7 p.m., in the Clear Lake High School cafeteria.  The public is welcome and encouraged to attend.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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