Caucus 101: A primer for Monday’s Caucus night

HOW do the Caucuses work?

To participate, Iowans must be registered to vote, including first-time voters who will be age 18 by Election Day, Nov. 8, 2016.

Same-day registrations for Democrats and Republicans are available at each political party’s respective caucuses, which will take place in 1,681 electoral precincts across the state.

Caucus-goers will meet in local schools, churches and community centers to conduct presidential polling and party business. Doors open at 5 p.m. on Feb. 1 and caucuses begin at 7 p.m.

Iowa’s electoral process represents authentic grassroots activism that’s strengthened by engagement and education with voters. A caucus agenda includes listening to precinct captains make a pitch for their candidates, casting a ballot and conducting party business, such as electing delegates to the county conventions and voting on party platforms.

WHAT’S new in 2016?

For the first time, precinct chairs for Republicans and Democrats from across the state will use a new technology tool to securely report results directly and immediately to their respective state headquarters. From here vote counts will be reported to the public and the media.

The Republican caucuses conduct polling by secret ballot. Then, the ballots are tallied in full view of everyone in attendance.

The Democratic caucuses are conducted a bit differently. Here, caucus-goers align with their preferred presidential candidate by dividing into groups of support. After reaching a specified threshold that establishes a viability of support for a presidential candidate, delegates to the county conventions are elected.

Also new for the 2016 GOP caucuses, Iowa’s national convention delegates are bound by the results of the votes cast at the caucuses. So, in the event there’s a contested nomination in July in Cleveland, the Iowa delegates will be bound to vote proportionately based on the results tallied on Feb. 1 in Iowa.

WHY should I Caucus?

For more than four decades, presidential candidates have come to Iowa to test the electoral waters. That’s because the Iowa caucuses serve as the first contest in the nation on the road to the White House.

On Feb. 1, Iowans will be the very first citizens to cast a vote in the presidential nominating process.  It has become a crucial test of strength for candidates to do well at the Iowa caucuses. A strong showing helps to build momentum in the states that follow.

Before the first vote is cast, more than a dozen presidential candidates have blanketed Iowa, working to meet with voters, get out their message and mobilize grassroots supporters.  Meeting face-to-face with Iowa voters give candidates an unfiltered understanding of what’s really on people’s minds. Likewise, retail politicking gives voters the opportunity to look candidates squarely in the eye and take full measure of their candidacy.

WHERE do I go?

The Caucuses start at 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 1.  Here are the Caucus sites for Clear Lake area residents:


•Clear Lake High School, 125 North 20th Street, Clear Lake: Ward 1, Ward 2, Ward 3, Clear Lake-Grant-Union, Lake-Lincoln

•Mason City High School, 1700 4th Street S.E., Mason City: Mason City W-1 P-1, W1- P2, W 1- P 3; W 2 - P 1, W 2 - P 2, W 2 - P 3, W 3 - P 1, W 3 P 2, W 3 P 3, W 4 - P1, W 4 - P 2, W 4 - P 3, Mason S/Bath, Limecreek/Mason S, Falls-Plymouth, Falls-Rock Falls

•Swaledale City Hall, 402 Main Street: Mount Vernon-Pleasant Valley, Grimes-Meservey, Grimes-Thornton

•Rockwell Community Center, 114 Third Street North, Rockwell: Portland-Owen-Dougherty, Geneseo.


•Clear Creek Elementary School: Clear Lake (all wards)

•Ventura Community Hall: Clear Lake, Grant, Union

•Rockwell Middle School: Geneso Township

•Meservey Library: Grimes-Meservey

•Thornton Library: Grimes-Thornton

•Area Education Agency 267: Lake, Lincoln Townships

•Harding Elementary, Mason City: W-1, precincts 1-3

•Hoover Elementary, Mason City: W-2, precincts 1-3

•Lincoln Intermediate: W-3, W-4, precincts 1-3

•Thornton Community School: Mount Vernon, Pleasant Valley Townships

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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