Remember When 4-20-2016
(Above) Efforts add up in 1991 - These Clear Lake students made high marks at the 9th Annual Sixth Grade Math Bee. The team of (seated L-R): Michael Burgart, Jane Cherry, Ben Gordon and Greg Johnson placed second at the bee and have qualified for the State Math Bee. Taking fifth place honors was the team of (standing L-R): Jed Latham, Erin Pleggenkuhle, Allison Secory and Kyle Smith. Continuing (L-R): Maribeth Bernard, Keith Niebuhr, David Severtson and Brad Schutte placed 12th as a team. Alternates to the team (kneeling in the front) Nicki Heinnicutt (left) and Cassie Fredia (right). Placing individually month the 140 competitors were: Michael Burgart, third place and a qualifier for the State Math Bee; Jed Latham, fourth; and Jane Cherry, fifteenth. Pictured in the center back is math teacher and coach Jane Angle.
25 Years Ago
April 1991
If someone were to write a book about the effort to build a new Ventura library, it would have to be classified as a mystery. Last week Ventura Mayor Bob Wolfram, who has spearheaded the effort to build a new library for more than a year, announced that the city leaders had decided to construct the library on city property located on the north side of the town, between the City Hall and Fire Barn. That decision was made after concerns surfaced that the city might be destroying a historically valuable building if it razed the existing library and post office structure. Although plans had been drawn, fundraising was well underway, and contract negotiations were nearly completed with the United States Postal Service, city officials decided to explore other options.
Storms rumbled through the area Friday that packed winds of up to 60 mph and downed numerous trees.
In an effort to lessen the potential for a disastrous accident at the dangerous intersection of N. 20 St. and Highway 18, the Clear Lake City Council was expected to ask the state for help in evaluating the busy intersection.
ABCM Corporation, the parent company of the Oakwood Care Center, has announced the appointment of Paul G. Klus as Oakwood’s new manager. Klus is from Mason City.
Kathy Walls, a member of the Clear Lake girls track team, was included in this week’s issue of the Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union Weekly Track and Field Leader Report. Walls successfully cleared 4’10” in the high jump.
The Clear Lake girls track team opened the season at the Clear Lake Early Bird and placed second in the eight field competition. First place finishers included Kathy Walls in the high jump; Kendra Berge was first in the long jump with a leap of 14’7”; the 800 meter relay team of Nikki Schinagel, Sabra Aswan, Sara Wempen and Kime Moore in 1:57.2; Berge broke the tape in the 200 meter dash clocking in at 27.81; the 400 meter relay team of Schinagel, Wempen, Walls and Berge took first in 54.34.
Entertaining at the Surf Ballroom will be the Kenny Hofer Orchestra, Reminisce Band, Hal’s Ramblers, and Sammy Jensen Orchestra.
50 Years Ago
April 1966
There is an increasing sales volume of agricultural products and increasing employment in the Clear Lake area, an economic study shows. The report shows a decreasing number of farms in the area as the size of farms has increased.
The Junior Chamber of Commerce sponsored the annual Easter Egg Hunt in City Park. Cash prizes were given to children finding eggs with lucky numbers.
The Barrel Drive-In is open and ready to serve up their broasted chicken. Get 30 pieces of chicken for $6.25; 10 pieces of chicken for $2.15; or four pieces for 50¢.
Playing at the Lake Theater is “My Fair Lady,” winner of eight Academy Awards. The movie stars Audrey Hepburn and Rex Harrison.
60 Years Ago
March 1956
High winds Saturday and Sunday quickly cleared the west end of Clear Lake of the winter accumulation of ice, leaving the remainder in the east end to be disposed of by the sun and wind.
The open season on golf balls gets underway Saturday. Manager Elwood Zipse qualified the announcement only in the event of good weather. Les Hugh will manage the golf shop, assisted by Don Bell.
Ray Stevens, a radio and TV technician by trade, has been making all sorts of novelties by cutting old aluminum photography records.
Clear Lake firemen were called to put out a large grass fire on Fletcher Drive on the camp grounds.
100 Years Ago
April 1916
J.C. Jensen attended a sale down on the Stone Ranch Saturday. While in the barn he stepped into a stall and a horse made a lunge at him cutting and bruising his face.
The tramp question has become a nuisance. Nearly every night there is a “camp” in the woods near the campground and considerable disturbance is caused. In some cases, cottages were broken into. Too many of these fellows wouldn’t work if they had a chance, preferring to beg from door to door.
Mason City has fined a number of auto speeders $15 and costs. If Clear Lake would do the same, the treasury would be flush. Let’s go get those law breakers and earn some money.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
Mid-America Publishing
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