CLHS Graduation Day

Class members reflect upon their school days, look ahead

Clear Lake graduates celebrated their many past accomplishments and began to write the next chapter of their lives at commencement ceremonies held Sunday.

“We started something that won’t ever end,” student speaker Ellie Biebesheimer told her classmates. “Our senior year has brought about many changes and accomplishments we are all proud of.  Boys cross country and jazz band both made it to state for the first time in years. Baseball won state, again! The senior student council members brought homecoming back to its former glory. We have started many traditions and set the bar high for upcoming classes, but now it’s time to step out of the spotlight and let others shine. I’m not sure they’ll ever top us. We made it hard, but we all have to leave CLHS at some point for others to take over, and now it’s our turn. So let’s go and start to write the next chapter of our lives.”

Sam Jones reminisced with his peers as he took a simulated cruise through town.

“I’m on North Shore Drive cruising past old Sunset school, and I realize my entire experience in the Clear Lake School District may have never happened if Erin wouldn’t have snatched my backpack and ran into

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Mrs. Cooney’s class, forcing me to chase her into the building as I cried on the first day of kindergarten,” he said.   “Though I initially protested, I quickly became infected with the energy and enthusiasm shared by both teachers and students. This positive environment helped us grow, and moving forward, hopefully we can find careers that we can pursue with the passion on display in the Clear Lake School District. Now, when I think back on the great friendships that first formed over 13 years ago in that building I realize that maybe I was crying because I knew how fast 13 years would go and I was thinking of all of the friends and memories I would make.”

Shortly after Sunset, the Surf Ballroom appears. Clear Lake’s claim to fame brings memories of Buddy Holly sock hops in early elementary school and Prom barely a month ago.

“I cruise down by City Park and the stores on Main Street and think of the opportunities students at CLHS have to impact the community. I remember painting windows on downtown businesses and the outpouring of support in resurrecting the Homecoming activities last fall. We’ve truly been blessed to grow up in a town with big city events and opportunities like the Fourth of July festivities, but also with close knit relationships of a small town. When I see the beach, I remember that  we are fortunate to  live where most people come to vacation. Finally, I see the lake. Our trademark. Looking out on the calm waters, I realize however far my classmates and I travel and how crazy things get, the lake will always be a place for us to return to and relax. We may be leaving, but we are not gone forever. This place will always be home.”

Jones noted his class was one of the last grades to attend Lincoln Elementary. “We will always remember the true definition of old school,” he joked.  “I remember the excitement towards the huge playground during recess, the fancy building… At Clear Creek, we began to bond together as a grade. Here at CLHS, we have had the opportunity to try and participate in all sorts of activities, and I’d say we were successful in most. Few classes are as well-rounded and involved as the Class of 2016.  Now as we leave this gym for the last time as the Class of 2016 we look over to the Interstate and think of everyone going their different ways, but the friendships, memories, values and knowledge we created in this small town will never be broken.”

Jones ended his speech with a good-bye and a “Go Lions!” chant.

Outgoing Superintendent Anita Micich also shared a message of congratulations and good luck to the graduates before their received their diplomas from School Board President Chyrl Bergvig.


Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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