Remember When 6-8-2016

(Above) North Iowa Band Festival, 1991 -Jason Skinner, percussion section leader for the Clear Lake High School Marching Band in 1991, keeps the unit in step during the North Iowa Band Festival held the beginning of June in Mason City.  The Clear Lake band was awarded second place in the Class 3A competition.

25 Years Ago • June 1991

Who says crime doesn’t pay?  The Clear Lake Police Department has already benefited from seizures it has made during drug busts.  Police Chief Dan Jackson approached the City Council about establishing a forfeiture fund.  The fund will be used when money becomes available to the department after being seized in raids.

Clear Lake schools will dismiss for the summer on June 6.

State Representative Merlin Bartz said he as officially requested serious consideration be given to Worth, Winnebago, and Cerro Gordo counties, as well as others, to have them declared disaster areas by Governor Terry Branstad.  The deluge of rain the past couple of months has kept many farmers across Iowa from planting their spring crops.

The Clear Lake Farmer’s Market was held at the corner of Main Ave. and Highway 107 in the City Hall parking lot.  Due to the slow growing season, there were no fresh vegetables available. However, there was plenty of baked goods.

Subway, the fastest growing franchise in four consecutive years, has announced the opening of a new store in Clear Lake.  The store is located at Plaza 210, Highway 18 West, next to Baskins Robbins Ice Cream.

Randy and Darla Kibsgaard announce the birth of a new daughter, Jenna Marie, born May 20, 1991.  She is welcomed home by her big brother, Ryan, 3 1/2.

Clubs announcing news in the Club News section included: Beta Omicron, North Iowa Quilter’s Guild, Sons of Norway, Clear Lake Duplicate Bridge, Zeta Theta, Clear Lake Women of Today, Irritable Bowel Disease Support Group, and G.G.G. Sorority.

Four relay teams from the Clear Lake boys track team participated in the State Track Meet, all placing within the top six and one breaking the tape as champion.  Winning the State championship in the 4x400 relay team of Paul Ebeling, Mark Meehlhlause, Adam Callanan, and Jeff Lester.  They broke the tape in 3:24.9.

Competing in the Iowa Boys State Golf Tournament, the Clear Lake Lions finished fifth with a team score of 640 for 36 holes.  Finishing sixth individually was Clear Lake’s Scott Johnson, who shot a 74 Friday and finished with a 75 on Saturday.  Also representing Clear Lake were Sherwin Bouma, Marty Fredericks, Steve Spratt and Jason Floy.

Clear Lake’s ViengPhone ThengThongSy and Matt Edwards put their names in the Clear Lake High School record book by qualifying for the Boys State Tennis Tournament. The pair lost in a hard-fought opening against.

The Clear Lake girls varsity softball team will sport a different look this season.  The Lions will be a young team, with only three returning starters and a new head coach.  First-year Head Coach Troy Heller is optimistic about his team this season.  Returning starters include Stacy Petersen, Kathy Walls and Kendra Berge.

50 Years Ago • June 1966

Clear Lake, whose unofficial population is estimated at 7,000 has Civil Defense facilities equipped to shelter only 1,000 people.  Currently there are six buildings designated as C.D. shelters.  The buildings, which are marked and stocked with some supplies include: the telephone company, Clear Lake Bank and Trust, Jensen’s Supermarket, Clear Lake High School, Clear Lake Junior High School, and a fruit storage basement at Sam Kennedy & Sons.

The Lake Patrol, a division of the State Conservation Commission, is located in new headquarters at Bayside.

Clear Lake’s high school baseball season is well under way, with the Lions at a 3-4 mark.  Pitcher Don Anderson has all three victories.

Grocery specials for the week at Red Owl include: Red Owl Potato Chips, box, 19¢; Harvest Queen Coffee, 3 lb. can, $1.88; Hershey’s Chocolate Syrup, 1 lb. can, 19¢; chuck roast, lb., 45¢; and ground chuck, lb., 69¢.

60 Years Ago • June 1956

The sale of Peterson’s Department Store in Clear Lake to the Graham Department Store’s company, owner of 21 stores throughout Iowa, was announced this week.

Announcement was made of the appointment of Donald J. Stork, of Clear Lake, as assistant postmaster at the Clear Lake Post Office.

Pvt. Kenneth L. Bales, of Clear Lake, recently was picked to serve in the 3rd Infantry Regiment, the Army’s top ceremonial unit, in Washington, D.C.

Mr. and Mrs. Marcus A. Arneson, Clear Lake, announce the engagement of their daughter, Amy Jean, to Ray V. Hewitt, of Clear Lake.  The wedding is set for Aug. 11.

85 Years Ago • June 1931

A birthday party was held to honor the 10th birthday of John Siesseger.  A large cake with 10 lighted candles graced the table.  Johnny and his friends attended the theater, after which they departed, voting Johnny a royal host and wishing him many happy returns of the day.

The homes of Cynthia Taylor and J.R. Whiteside on East Main is quarantined with scarlet fever.

The Lake Shore dining room was opened to the public on June 20.  It has been newly decorated with light fixtures in pastel shades and presents a very attractive appearance and is an inviting place to dine or entertain friends.

Kenyon’s new dairy products plant will be opened to the public Saturday on West Main Street.

Mrs. Sam Metz entertained Miss Irma Peterson and John Siesseger, Jr., with an airplane ride.  They experienced quite a thrill while riding over the lake, but no doubt were glad to get back to terra firma.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

Mid-America Publishing

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