Police captain field narrowed to five

The City is getting closer to naming a new police captain.

Police Chief Pete Roth told the City Council Monday night that one dozen persons applied for the position, which was first advertised in March.

Although the captain’s position is new to the department, it is not a new hire for the department.  In prior years there has been  a chief and three lieutenants.  The new structure will use a chief, captain and two lieutenants.

Monday night the Council was informed that the field has been narrowed to five candidates and telephone interviews have been conducted.

According to City Administrator Scott Flory, three finalists will be chosen and invited to come to Clear Lake to tour the community and police department.  Formal, personal interviews will be conducted at that time.

Flory said the creation of a captain position within the department has been a priority for city leaders in strategic planning the past few years.  The position will provide more verticality within the ranks, he said.

Qualifications for the position include a minimum of 10-years experience in law enforcement, with at least four years in a police supervisory role and a minimum of an Associate’s Degree in criminal justice, police science, public administration or a related field.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

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Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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