City moves ahead with capital projects

The Clear Lake City Council will start the ball rolling for one of the major capital improvement projects budgeted for 2017 next week.

A request for proposals will be distributed to three local engineering firms interested in preparing and overseeing reconstruction of 14th Avenue North between North 8th Street and the east return of Logan Drive. The scope of services in the RFP includes field work, survey, design, special assessment plat and schedule, bidding and construction observation and administration.

Responses to the RFP are due by July 28.  The City Council will consider an award of contract for professional services at its Aug. 1 meeting.

The segment of 14th Avenue North which will be reconstructed currently is a 24-foot wide asphalt paved street, with no curb and gutter or storm water improvements and no sidewalks.  The proposed improvements will include a seven-inch PCC paving, four-foot sidewalks on both sides of the street, a six-inch sub-drain, and new water and sanitary sewer service laterals, as needed.

The project will be partially funded by special assessments against the benefited properties.

Other business

At its regular meeting on July 5, the City Council awarded the construction contract for the 2016 Sanitary & Storm Sewer Rehabilitation Project to Visu-Sewer, of Pewaukee, Wis. in the amount of $408,831.  Monday night the Council approved the contract and bonds for the project.  The project completion date is April 2017.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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