Remember When 7-20-2016

(Above) Tree planting in 1991 - Clear Lake Brownie Troop 467 recently donated a flowering crab tree to McIntosh State Park, Ventura.  Helping Park Ranger Gary Dusenberry and Troop leader Brenda Deboer (back) to plant the tree are troop members: (standing L-R): Sarah Tompkins, Natalie Seward, Andrea Snyder, Brandi Koster, Nicole Harvey, Kristin Keefe, Kelli Christian, Kathy DeBoer and Laura Allen.  Kneeling in the front is Alexis Snyder.

25 Years Ago

July 1991

Construction is well underway on the new two room addition to Lincoln School by crews from Dean Snyder Construction of Clear Lake.  The classrooms are located on the east side of the single story addition to the school which was built in 1985.

Redistricting of Clear Lake’s three wards, as a result of a population shift from the city’s second voting ward into the first ward, was approved by a special Clear Lake City Council meeting.  The new plan, designed by City Attorney Don Goranson, shifts more than 300 residents from Ward 1 to Ward 2 to even voter numbers.  Ward 3 remains the same.

A proposal to commission an in-depth study of the Clear Lake Police Department was presented to the City Council according the Clear Lake Mayor Lois Kotz.  The study will present an overview of entire workload and resources of the department and give a 10-year plan.

Ron and Judy Klemm, owners of the Coffee Break, on Main Street, have added a seating area in front of the store fashioned after European bistros.  The Klemm’s are operating with an experimental, temporary permit, but hope to continue the bistro tradition with awnings and the purchase of espresso and cappuccino machines.

Connie Bieber, of Clear Lake, was named to the Handicap Village Care Review Committee.  She joins fellow committee members, Jean Wistom, Marj Jensen, Robert Wolfram, the Rev. August Geske, Marge Theiss, LuElla Jenkens and Orlin Kelling.

Vicki and Jeff Hensley are the parents of a baby girl, Stephanie Jean, born June 24, 1991.  She weighed seven pounds, 14 ounces and was 20 inches long.  She is welcomed home by a big sister, Katie.

Pvt. Jay D. Grimes has completed basic military police training at Fort McClellan, Anniston, Ala.  The soldier is the son of Mari Jo Grimes and Dwight Deason, of Clear Lake.  He is a 1991 graduate of Clear Lake High School.

Todd Cash, of the Lakeside FFA Chapter of Ventura, attended the 1991 Washington Conference Program in the nation’s capital.  A highlight of the week was the visit to the office of Iowa Senator Charles E. Grassley.

The Webster City baseball team beat Clear Lake 12-3 to capture first place in the North Central Conference.  Clear Lake put together three runs in the fifth inning, but otherwise was shut down offensively.  Chris Dillavou and Jason Parker each had one base hit, Mark Ades hit a double, and Jamie Weaver contributed two base hits.  Joe Sokol had the hot bat, with three base hits.  Eric Meyer was the losing pitcher.

Megan Coe and Julie Buchanan, both seniors at Ventura, were named to the North Star Conference First Team.  Stacey Blank, a senior was named to the Second Team.

The Clear Lake softball team proved last week that they can compete in the conference by nearly beating the conference leader, Webster City.  Clear Lake was leading 6-4 going into the bottom of the seventh innings when Webster City put together three runs to regain the lead and capture the 7-6 victory.

50 Years Ago

July 1966

Temperatures soared again over the weekend as thousands came to Clear Lake attempting to cool off.  The beaches, swimming areas and parks were full as temperatures climbed to 97 degrees.

More land for parking was one of the major issues during the City Council meeting.  The council revealed that a private developer has expressed interest in working with the council to purchase the Farmers Elevator Co. property at 429 Main Ave.

Four car accidents were reported last week involving 11 cars.

The Clear Lake City Council met for purposes of figuring the budget for 1967.  The proposed amount of the 1967 budget is $550,080 an increase of $11,792.

Grocery specials for the week at Red Owl include:  Red Owl Potato Chips, lb., 49¢; Frozen Lemonade, 6 oz., 11/$1; Flavoree Smooth Salad Dressing, quart jar, 35¢; Chuck Steak, lb., 49¢; and Beef Short Ribs, lb., 29¢.

75 Years Ago

July 1941

The pump in front of the DeBryn garage drove the car out of the garage and pulled over the pump.

The new road around the State Park is now being black-topped and will soon be open for traffic.

The Red Cross is looking for sewers and knitters.

WRC won $25 for first prize in the patriotic division of the July 4th floats.

Crosby Ingersoll is quarantined in his home with scarlet fever.  His mother is caring for him and Mr. Ingersoll and son, Robert, are residing at the Clack home.

100 Years Ago

July 1916

Infantile paralysis is spreading rapidly.  It is the duty of each community to clean up their premises as the disease always starts in congested cities.

Jo Pedelty, at one time a large property owner near Clear Lake, was overcome by gas from his auto Saturday evening.  Medical aid resuscitated the sick man and he is now well on the way to recovery.

Frank Monaghen had a valuable watch taken from his pocket while mixing with a crowd during July 4.  Someone certainly had sticky fingers.

Bathing caps, bathing shoes and water wings are for sale at Park Pharmacy.

Lots of buckwheat and millet is being sown this year to occupy the land which was too wet for corn.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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