(Above) Enjoying lake activities, circa 1940 - Lake Shore Hotel patrons enjoyng observing lake activities circa 1940.  This photo and more are featured in the Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter’s “Remember When - Around the Lake.” The new pictorial history book is a 78-page, hard-cover coffee table book that is now available at the Clear Lake Reporter.  This book is the first in a series of pictorial history books planned for publication. -Photo Credit: History Room - Clear Lake Public Library

25 Years Ago

August 1991

The Clear Lake community was stunned Wednesday, Aug. 21, when the Unisys Corporation announced plans to close its commercial computer operations in Clear Lake effective March 1992.  Approximately 380 employees are affected by the announcement.  About 20 Clear Lake employees qualify for a recently announced early retirement program.  Laid-off employees will be offered job placement counseling and income assistance.  Lay-offs will begin in October and continue throughout the seven month phaseout.

A study concerning the proposed Avenue of the Saints corridors overwhelmingly favors a southern bypass for the project to intersect with Interstate 35.  The proposed southern route runs approximately one-half mile south of the present County Road B-35 and is approximately 2.5 to 3.5 miles south of present U.S. Highway 18.  The proposed northern route was near County Road B-20 north of Mason City.

Firefighters from Clear Lake, Ventura and Mason City responded to a fire at the Holiday Motor Lodge on Wednesday, Aug. 21.  A malfunctioning air conditioning unit on the fifth floor filled the fourth and fifth floors with smoke.  The quick actions of hotel staff and response teams prevented the blaze from being more serious.  Hotel guests were evacuated and there were no injuries.  Clear Lake firefighter Will Gustafson was taken to Mercy Hospital suffering from heat exhaustion.

A former Clear Lake student has donated a gift for future generations to enjoy.  Ben Furleigh, a resident of Clear Lake, recently completed a painting for Clear Lake’s Central School of the school mascot.  Furleigh worked 21-hours on the cub, painted in acrylic on a six-foot by nine-foot canvas.  He says he initiated the project because he enjoys dabbling in art as a hobby and wanted to do something that future generations of Central School could enjoy.

Furniture, sporting goods, collectibles, toys and more will be sold at the Ninth Annual Auction for St. Patrick’s Catholic Church.  There will also be a kiddie carnival and petting zoo for children.

“Lady of the Lake” owner, Gary Geist, treated the residents of area care centers to a ride on Aug. 14.  Residents and volunteers of 150 enjoyed a beautiful ride on Clear Lake.  This is the fourth annual trip for the residents courtesy of Geist and crew.

Clear Lake Varsity baseball coach Tony Kockler and junior varsity coach Matt Green, took the senior members of the Clear Lake baseball team to Chicago to attend two Chicago Cubs baseball games at Wrigley Field.  To cap off the trip, the group stopped in Dyersville, Iowa to watch the movie, “Field of Dreams.”  The movie was filmed in Dyersville and has achieved national attention.

Members of the 1991 Clear Lake Varsity Football Cheerleading square are Julia Jacobson, Anne Brogrammer, Kendra Berge, Ally Monson, Renee Sheahan, Abby Callanan, Jenny Bartlet and Lisa Lewerke. The Lion Tamers will be Jessica Jorgensen, Laura Haugen, Kim Matson and Kim Hayes.

50 Years Ago

August 1966

A preliminary report of the Clear Lake special census was released by city officials.  According to figures released to them, the population of Clear Lake is 6,291.  The population of Clear Lake in 1960 was 6,168.

As estimated 350 persons registered for the five-day Students for a Democratic Society convention held on the grounds of the Methodist Camp.

Grid coaches for the 1966 season include Head Coach Norm Rutz, and assistant coaches Dave Long, L.K. “Butch” Lewis, John Klaudt and Gary Anderson.

Grocery specials for the week at Jensen’s Super Market include: Longhorn Cheese, lb., 59¢; Miracle Whip, qt., 39¢; pineapple, 49¢; Butternut Coffee, 1 lb., 29¢; Armour Star Pan-Sized Bacon, 14 oz., 69¢; ground beef, 2 lbs., 89¢; beef roast, lb., 49¢; and Van Camp’s Pork ’N Beans, 300 can, 6/89¢.

75 Years Ago

August 1941

The silver bass have been biting each evening about 6:30 p.m. until dark at the Witke bathing beach.  Several nights the schools of fish were within a rod of shore and anglers in row boats, waders, bathing suits and on the docks, caught their share, many catching the limit in 20 minutes.  One fish was even reported to have bitten one lady bather.  Hopefully it ended up in a fry pan.

John Ross Winnie has accepted a position as managing director of the new Edith Bush Little Theatre at St. Paul, which was recently completed at a cost of $125,000.

A mower barge, owned by the state, has been in operation for several days on the lake cutting weeds so the boats have a path to and from the shore.  It cuts a strip eight feet wide.

All business firms will be closed from 12-4 p.m. Thursday for the Community Picnic to be held at P.M. Park. So bring your eats and coffee.  Ice cream will be furnished for free.

100 Years Ago

August 1916

The following prices for Fords went into effect last week FOB Detroit touring cars $360 and runabouts $345.

The location of a beet sugar factory at Mason City is now assured.

Dr. F.G. McDowell is advertising his business in the newspaper, “I will now be found in the Robert Young block, rear room, where I will be prepared to treat all diseases that flesh is heir to in general, and some as specialities.”

Why not sell your poultry to J.D. Minium.  He is paying 12¢ for hens; 14¢ for springs; 6¢ for old roosters; 10¢ for ducks; 7¢ for geese and 21¢ for a dozen eggs.

Saundra Company will have a special sale on Saturday night after supper.  Come in for men’s union suits, short sleeved or ankle length, $1; children’s rompers, light and dun colors, 39¢; and ladies black silk hose, 89¢ a pair.

It only takes $1 to open an account at Clear Lake State Bank.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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