Surf Ballroom, local restaurant to create Rock ‘n Roll Grill

The Surf Ballroom & Museum and MNG Restaurant Corp. have announced that they have collaborated to create a Clear Lake dining experience unlike any other. The Surf District Rock ‘n Roll Grill will be located in the former District 619 Restaurant building, just north of the Surf Ballroom. When completed, the newly remodeled restaurant will boast a Rock ‘n Roll themed atmosphere featuring music and memorabilia from artists who have performed at the Surf Ballroom.

“As you can imagine, the Surf Ballroom has collected an immense amount of memorabilia over the years,” stated Laurie Lietz, executive director.  “We have been exploring concepts for a while to find additional ways to showcase the many artifacts in our archives, as well as to further tell the story of the Surf and its history. When the concept of a Rock and Roll themed dining experience was proposed, it seemed like a natural fit for our organization to consider being a part of,” Lietz explained.

“From a community standpoint, and specifically for those who come from out of town to visit the Surf Ballroom for a concert or event, it is so important to have varied and unique dining within the Surf District,” added Jeff Nicholas, president of the Surf Ballroom & Museum.   “In recent years, visits to the Surf Ballroom have increased in both museum interest and concert attendees. A music themed restaurant is a perfect complement to the existing, quality dining opportunities in the district.”

A number of improvements to the neighborhood surrounding the Surf Ballroom have been made within the last 10 years, beginning with the City of Clear Lake’s community based planning efforts in 2007 for the area now referred to as the “Surf District.”  Additionally, the receipt of an Iowa Great Places grant will further compliment the area with funding to complete landscaping and wayfinding signage to the area.

“We have enjoyed a good relationship with the Surf Ballroom for many, many years,” stated Grant Maulsby, Surf District Rock ‘n Roll Grill Owner.  “Not only will the décor, menu and atmosphere that we’ve chosen compliment the already great dining offerings available in Clear Lake, the Surf District Rock and Roll Grill is a tribute to the music history that has been an important part of our community for decades.”

MNG Restaurant Corp. will own and operate the business and will showcase a portion of the Surf’s memorabilia through a licensing agreement.

An opening date will be forthcoming and career opportunities with the Surf District Rock ‘n Roll Grill are available, according to Maulsby.  Open interviews for all positions will be held from 10 a.m.-2  p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 1, and 4-7 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 7, or by appointment.  For job descriptions and applications in advance, interested parties are asked to stop by 619 Buddy Holly Place or the Surf Ballroom’s box office, located at 460 North Shore Drive.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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