Remember When 12-7-2016

(Above) Petersen’s Bathhouse, circa 1900 - Toboggan slide at Petersen’s Bathhouse, ca. 1900.  This was the first bathhouse constructed by George Petersen, a Danish immigrant – carpenter and contractor.  The 20 x 30 ft. bathhouse included 35 conveniently arranged dressing rooms. This photo and more is featured in the Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter’s “Remember When - Around the Lake.” The new pictorial history book is a 78-page, hard-cover coffee table book.  This book is the first in a series of pictorial history books planned for publication.   Photo Credits: Dorothy Garlock

25 Years Ago

December 1991

Hard work and perseverance does pay off.  Proof of that was recounted over and over Monday night at ceremonies marking the signing of the “Avenue of the Saints” highway route through Iowa.  The “Avenue of the Saints” will be a four-lane connection through Iowa that will follow highways Iowa 394, U.S. 218, Interstate 380, U.S. 18 and Interstate 35.

The city’s well No. 2, located near Lincoln School, will be out of service for approximately two-weeks for routine maintenance and inspection.  During this time the city will begin using surface water from the lake in order to maintain an adequate supply of water for the community.

Christmas has come a little early for Dan Jackson.  The Clear Lake Police Chief got one of the items on his wish list last week when a new Dictaphone machine was installed at the department.  The new device will now record all radio frequencies, 911 calls and all calls that come into the department through the dispatcher.

A business welcoming group representing the Clear Lake Chamber of Commerce has been created.  Clear Lake’s First Mates will made visits to new businesses and those holding special ceremonies and will greet those attending Business After Hours events.

Clubs listing their news in the newspaper include: Sons of Norway, Chapter EH TTT Society, Lakes Ambitious Feeders 4-H Club, Mended Hearts, Wa Tan Ye Club, Progress Club and Clear Lake Federated Women’s Club.

The harvest of Iowa’s crops is virtually complete, due to Iowa’s favorable weather.

Tickets are on sale now for the Second Annual Ventura Talent Competition.  Entrants are encouraged to contact the Ventura Public Library.  Already 12 people have entered the contest.  Top prize is an all-expense paid trip to the Quad Cities, including a prime rib dinner trip on the Queen of the Hearts Riverboat, tickets to a dinner theater, tram tours on Arsenal Island, a trip for two on the President Riverboat Casino and lodging.  The trip also includes $150 in spending money, making the value of the trip $650.  Second place is a color television set and third place is a seven-foot stuffed rabbit.

Robert Halford, general manager of the Clear Lake Independent Telephone Company, has been named as one of the Telephony Magazine’s “1991 Top Telecom Executives.”

Cheering on the Ventura basketball teams this season are Jennifer Ruley, Cathy Barkhurst, Marci Joynt, Janell Graves, Bethany Weberg, Samantha Bohn and Colleen Steinlicht.

Farmer’s Co-op Lumber is advertising a Makita tool sale.  On sale now: 3/8” variable speed drill, $59.95; 3/4”, 2 speed, hammer drill, $174.85; jig saw variable speed, $79.85 and finishing sander with dust bag, $49.95.

Grocery specials for the week at Easter’s Super Valu include Jolly Time Popcorn, 4 kinds, 10.5 oz. pkg., $1.19; Keystone Beer, 12-12 oz. cans, $3.89; Cheerios Cereal, 20 oz., $2.99; Frito Lay Tostitos, 16 oz., $1.99; Reg. or Diet 7-Up, 2 liter, 99¢.

50 Years Ago

December 1966

A progress report on the proposed tourist information center for Clear Lake was discussed by the building committee and members of the Chamber of Commerce.  The pressure will continue to build with the advent of Interstate 35, which will bring thousands of extra tourists through North Iowa by 1970.  The average daily traffic count will increase anywhere from 10,000 to 20,000 and it is expected many will pull into Clear Lake seeking information and accommodations.

The Ramblin’ Rogues will appear nightly at the Surf Ballroom Lounge from Dec. 5-17.  They present comedy, western music, hootenanny and what-have-you.

The Clear Lake wrestlers fell, 34-14 to Greene, a Corn Bowl Conference powerhouse.  Bill Kennedy, 145-pounder, recorded Clear Lake’s only pin.  Also winning were Robbie Tibbitts, 127, Chuck Miller, 133 and heavyweight Duane Schlichting.

Playing at the Lake Theatre is Tony Curtis, Virna Lisi and George C. Scott in, “Not With My Wife, You Don’t.”  It’s the wildest, wackiest love story ever!

85 Years Ago

December 1931

It is rumored that Peterson Bath House on North Lake Shore will be remodeled into a dance hall in the near future.

The waters of Clear Lake were covered with ducks.  They appeared by the hundreds as the weather began to get colder and they are getting tame as the hunting season has closed.  In a few days they will fly themselves to a warmer climate.

Miss Mary Jane Watts has accepted a position as ticket seller at the Park Theatre.

Paul Palmeter, truck driver for the Page and Crane Lumber Company, suffered a broken arm when he stepped backward off his truck.

Grocery prices for the week at the Basket Grocery include:  bologna, lb., 10¢; choice beef roast, lb., 15¢; powdered sugar, 3 lbs., 25¢; brown sugar, 4 lbs., 25¢; salted peanuts, 2 lbs., 25¢.

100 Years Ago

December 1916

It is now announced that the germ which causes infantile paralysis has been discovered at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.  The isolation of the germ will soon be followed by a serum or vaccine for its prevention and cure.

Attorney E.B. Stillman is now nicely located in the front rooms on the second floor of the First National Bank building.

Carlton Brady went down to Okaloosa to bring back his auto.  He left there at 8 a.m., arriving here at 3 p.m. after stopping for 30 minutes for dinner.  His driving time of six hours and 30 minutes for 167 miles was certainly good time.

The high cost of living can be reduced by serving the following for less than 30¢ a day.  Breakfast: corn meal mush or fried mush, bacon, toast and coffee.  Lunch:  pork and beans, or macaroni and cheese, bean salad, apple pie, milk.  Dinner:  short ribs of beef, brown potatoes, steamed cabbage, apple dumplings with cream, graham gems, mince pie, coffee or tea.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

Mid-America Publishing

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