Remember When 1-25-2017
(Above) Dog protestors, 1967 - About 14 young people from Clear Lake protested the dog ordinance by picketing Mayor B.C. Myer’s home in 1967. He invited the youths to the next City Council meeting and that he would have some suggestions for revising the ordinance which stated that a dog must be leashed when not on the owner’s property.
25 Years Ago
January 1991
Six inches of snow surprised Clear Lake residents Saturday morning.
The Clear Lake City Council formally approved a contract agreement with the city’s public works employees. The new contract includes no wage increases, but does include concessions for overtime work. In other Council business, James Stanton, a local attorney, presented a street lighting plan to the city for consideration. Stanton has contacted business owners on North 3rd St. and they have agreed to share the costs of purchasing 12-foot tall street lamps for the one block area. Stanton said he is hopeful the city will share the costs with the business owners.
Good Samaritans still exist. A Kansas woman found that to be true when she recovered the $100 she was sure was lost. Lavonne Brandenberg was on her way to Minneapolis when the weather forced her to spend the night in Clear Lake. When she reached Minneapolis, she noticed she was missing $100. On her way back through Clear Lake she stopped at Perkin’s Restaurant on the off chance her money was turned in. Perkins management referred her to the Clear Lake Police Department. Much to her surprise, the money had been turned in. The money had been found on the floor of the women’s restaurant at Perkin’s.
Clear Lake seventh and eighth graders participated in a spaghetti eating contest at Pizza Hut. The contest was sponsored by the business, which provided prizes, as well as the pasta. The contest was also videotaped and may be sent to the television show, “American’s Funniest Home Videos.”
Clubs sharing their news on the Social page included: C.L.A.S.S. Car Club, Clear Lake Wa-Tan-Ye Club, Lincoln Peppy Pals 4-H Club, Clear Lake Duplicate Bridge and Men’s Garden Club of North Iowa.
The Clear Lake girls were ungracious hosts to Webster City Friday night. The Lions defeated the visitors, 90-75 on the strength of their defensive depth. The Lions guards took Webster City out of their rhythm early as the Lynx were one of 11 from the field in the first four minutes. The Clear Lake offensive machine was firing on all three cylinders as each starter had eight points in the first quarter. Laura Hagen led Clear Lake with 35-points and Kathy Walls followed up with 29. Rhonda Paulus had three steals to go along with her 19-points.
Webster City, ranked ninth in Class 3A, successfully defended their 1991 title at the 25th Annual North Central Conference Wrestling Tournament held in Clear Lake Saturday. The Lynx crowned five individual champions. Clear Lake placed Sean Harlan, Jason Salge and Dan Hansen in the finals, but all three lost to rated wrestlers.
The Ventura boys suffered two disappointing losses at the hands of Dows and Northeast Hamilton. The Vikings fell to Dows, 58-52. Troy Roenfanz led Ventura with 13-points. Matt Dillavou added nine. A highlight of the NE Hamilton game was Matt Roenfanz blocking eight shots to go with his six rebounds and eight points. The Vikings fell to Northeast Hamilton, 86-66.
Did you know that Jim Hansen Ford has four 1991 and 1992 Explorers as low as $17,777. Jim Hansen Ford is located at Highway 106 and I-35, in Clear Lake.
50 Years Ago
January 1967
Clear Lake’s weather was rather chaotic during the past week. Residents experienced freezing temperatures, high winds, blizzard conditions and a January thaw.
Chapters of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority in Clear Lake and Mason City are sponsoring the Crimson Ball, to be held at the Surf Ballroom Saturday night. Mrs. Gene Sherman, of Clear Lake, is co-chairman of the ball. A midnight ham and turkey supper will be catered by Witkes Restaurant. Dancing will be from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. with music provided by the Medicats, an orchestra of Waterloo doctors.
The family of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Butenhoff, Ventura, lost all their belongings in a fire on their farm Monday night. Seven fire truck from Ventura, Clear Lake, Garner, Klemme and Thornton answered the call. They escaped the house in their nightclothes and were standing in a snow drift when a neighbor, Robert Lutz, noticed the fire and came to the rescue.
Playing at the Palace Theater is Dean Martin and Ann Margaret in “Murderers’ Row.” Starting Sunday will be “Any Wednesday,” starring Jane Fonda, Jason Robards and Dean Jones.
75 Years Ago
January 1942
Lewis Knutson, who keeps a record of weather conditions, says 38.20” of water fell the past year.
A Tire rationing board has been set up in the City Hall. All fire sales have been canceled. For January, the entire county is rationed only 38 new tires for passenger cars and 95 for trucks.
During the past year 10 new residences were build costing $130,000.
All male citizens of the nation are requested to register if they are between 20-44 on Feb. 16.
David Barber, Walter Cookman, Harper Joslyn and Harold Charlesworth were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlesworth. Joslyn leaves soon as a Naval aviation cadet. Cookman leaves for the Army Air Corps and Charlesworth returned back to his college work at Ann Arbor, Mich.
100 Years Ago
January 1917
Ed Miles and R. Challand will have their sale Wednesday. It is a large sale, there being 95 head of livestock.
See white slavery and vice exposed at the Electric Theatre with the showing of the “The Little Girl Next Door.” No one under 15 admitted. Admission is 25¢.
Come to Stenby and Barlow for six bars of Bob White soap for 25¢; celery, 12¢; sugar, 12 lbs., $1; coffee, lb., 20¢; and DeGraws buckwheat, 60¢.
The Clear Lake Business Men’s Ass’n elected officers Thursday. They are C.F. Crane, president; Clarence Knutson, vice president; H.N. Halverson, secretary; J.E. Haskins, treasurer; Matt Olson, Lee Boyd, C.N. Wright, George Sheridan and Robert Williams.
Kuppenheimers available at Frank Olsens for $20.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
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