Remember When 3-1-2017
(Above) Ice harvest underway - The ice harvest operation began in the late 1800s in Clear Lake and continued into the 1940s. The ice blocks, approximately 22x32 inches, where loaded into railroad cars, trucks and ice houses for transportation and storage. The ice harvest provided winter jobs for many in the area. Pictured is the ice being loaded into the ice house, which was located at the present day water treatment plant. This photo and many more are available in the Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter’s new book, “Remember When, Clear Lake Iowa.” The book is available for purchase at the Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter office, 12 N. 4th St.
25 Years Ago • March 1992
The Parks and Recreation Department is aiming to make Clear Lake’s public docks more accessible to the general public through revisions of its policies and stricter enforcement. The city has domain over 26 docks.
Cuts in contractual and personal services, including the elimination of city funding for the Don Boyer Memorial Swimming Pool at Handicap Village, has allowed city officials to produce a 1992-93 fiscal budget that is $159,554 less than a year ago and will result in no increase in local property taxes.
The Ministry of Youth program at Zion Lutheran Church will present “Broadway Style” musical comedy dealing with peer pressure, as it relates to drug abuse, sex, cheating and self esteem. “Hi Tops” will be presented at E.B. Stillman Auditorium and from there will take the show on the road to various churches. Sherri Lynn Carlson, director of Zion’s Youth Ministry, said the group has been working since early November to put the musical together.
Dr. Kurt R. Schichtl received his degree of doctor of chiropractic (D.C.) during the February 1992 commencement ceremony of Palmer College of Chiropractic, Davenport, Iowa. A native of Clear Lake, he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Schichtl, of Clear Lake.
Jay and Kami Dyre, of Ventura, are the parents of a daughter, Deborah Nan, born Feb. 29, 1992. Deborah will join a big brother, Dustin James, at home. Grandparents are Jim and Colleen Dyre and Kenny and Sharon Coe.
Karen and Bruce Chapin are the new owners of The Golden Goose, located at 468 North Shore Dr., Clear Lake.
The Clear Lake wrestling team had a very successful 1992 State Wrestling Tournament experience, with two of the three qualifiers earning medals. Senior Jason Salge won five of six matches to take third place in a strong 171-pound class. Sean Harlan earned sixth place honors in the 112-pound weight class. Dan Hansen was eliminated in the third consolation round.
The Clear Lake boys basketball team ended its season at the hands of Garner-Hayfield. The Cards topped the Lions on a last second shot in the District tournament. With :18 remaining, Clear Lake came down the court and found Paul Bruns open on the baseline. Matt Townsend responded for Garner by hitting a twisting jumper with :04 left for the win, 65-63.
The Ventura boys were eliminated from post-season action by the North Star Conference member CAL, 57-52. Matt Halverson led Ventura with 10 points. Ryan Overgaard led the Vikings under the boards with eight rebounds.
Grocery specials for the week at Fareway include: Pepsi or Mountain Dew, 12-12 oz. cans, $2.89; Iowa Chops, lb., $1.99; Chicken of the Sea Tuna, can, 49¢; lettuce, head, 38¢; Northern Bath Tissue, 4 roll pkg., 79¢; Chicken Breast, lb., $1.29.
50 Years Ago • February 1967
North Iowans had a welcome preview of Spring on Sunday when temperatures climbed to 45 degrees. Compared to the blizzard conditions on Thursday with temps at seven below it was a welcome change.
James Linahon and William Nicholas received Eagle Scout awards. Linahon is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Linahon and Nicholas is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Nicholas.
Salary increases for Clear Lake teachers for the 1967-68 school year were revealed this week. The total increase is estimated to be about $60,000. The raise amounts to $400 a year for beginning teachers and goes up to $1,000 increase for those with more experience.
Beta Omicron held its Valentine party on Saturday night at the Holiday Inn in Mason City. Husbands of the group were guests. Mrs. Kenneth Smith was crowned Valentine Queen by last year’s queen Mrs. Gene Sherman.
The Clear Lake Lions beat Mason City Newman in the first round of tournament action, 71-55. They will next face the Mason City Mohawks.
75 Years Ago • February 1942
The Civic League went on record this week as being in favor of city garbage removal.
National Food Stores have some bargains this week: short ribs, lean and meaty, lb., 15¢; cottage cheese, lb., 10¢; lean sliced bacon, lb., 29¢; lean ground beef, lb., 19¢; beef roasts, shoulder cuts, lb., 25¢; winesap apples, 4 lbs., 27¢; fresh crisp celery, 2 large stalks, 17¢; onions, 3 lbs., 17¢; new cabbage, 3 lbs., 13¢; and fresh peas, 2 lbs., 19¢.
A charivari was held for Mr. and Mrs. Max Zirbel in their home. Cards were played and the couple served treats.
Mrs. Walter Cash moved from her farm to Clear Lake. Her son, Howard, will move into the home place.
100 Years Ago • March 1917
On account of necessary improvements on the electric line, the current will be shut off on Sunday.
Frank Monaghen has resigned his position at the Frank Olsen Clothing Store.
The Sondrol Co. is having their store newly papered and painted. It will be fancy.
Miss Helen Lundgren has a broken arm sustained in a bob sled accident.
Harry Oxley went to Chicago with a load of stock.
Prof. Check, Mr. and Mrs. A.A. Smith, Miss Tenney Olsen and Miss Esther Woodford will attend the declamatory contest in Charles City.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
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