Voting is Tuesday for CL School Bond question
(Above) Improvements to the Lions Field complex would improve player safety, update outdated and unsafe bleachers and press box, increase parking and create a defined entrance. The track will be resurfaced. New softball and baseball restroom/concession stand is proposed with team rooms. Bleachers, press box and lights at the softball field are also planned.
by Marianne Gasaway
Voters in the Clear Lake School District are being asked to consider an $18 million bond referendum to fund several school facility repairs and upgrades, as well as the district’s partnership with the City of Clear Lake to construct a community wellness center.
All residents of the school district age 18 and older are encouraged to cast ballots at their regular voting precinct between the hours of 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. Tuesday, March 3. Voting locations can be found on the sample ballot appearing on page 7B in this edition of the Mirror-Reporter.
Passage of the bond issue will require 60 percent voter approval.
In the past month the district has hosted three public meetings to answer questions from the public about the proposed projects identified for funding through the proposed bond issue. Following is a recap of some of the most common questions posed to school leadership. Additional details about the projects can be found on the school’s website,, or by visiting The district’s Administrative Office may be reached at 357-2181.
What projects will the bonds fund?
Approximately $10-$11 million will be used to fund a wellness center. The school district has taken the lead for the design and construction phase of the proposed wellness center and is the primary financial contributor. The city has verbally committed $700,000 to the project in the form of a general obligation bond, as well as a $300,000 contribution from its general fund to support costs associated with the elevated walking track, multi-purpose rooms, indoor playground rooms, and areas and other amenities located on the second level of the proposed building. Schematic drawings of the proposed center show the main floor of the building would feature five courts, two with traditional flooring and three with a multi-purpose floor and the ability to be configured for a variety of activities, including pickle ball, as well as batting cages with areas to practice fielding. A 200 meter track would surround the lower level. Flexible space is also designed for meeting, practice rooms and classes.
A new secure entrance is proposed for Clear Creek Elementary at a cost of $350,000 to $450,000. Additional improvements to all three school buildings is estimated at $3 million to $4 million.
High school weight room and wrestling room additions are proposed at $300,000 to $500,000, as well as a gym vestibule/corridor addition estimated at $1 million to $1.5 million. Parking improvements are also planned.
At the Lions Field complex a new press box, bleachers at the football field, a new turf field, resurfacing the track, and bleachers at the softball field, and a new concessions stand and restroom at the
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softball field and new softball field lights is estimated to cost $300,000 to $400,000.
Seating, lights and sound upgrades at EB Stillman Auditorium are estimated at $200,000 to $250,000.
A greenhouse, which will used by the agriculture and FFA program at CLHS is estimated at $75,000 to $80,000.
In addition to these estimates, there will be architectural fees to develop, design and manage these projects.
How would the wellness center be operated?
A 28E agreement would be signed no later than 30 days following the successful passage of a public referendum proposed by the school district for the calendar year 2020. The letter of intent can be terminated at any time by either party. The city will cover day-to-day operation of the center, including staffing and will be entitled to revenues generated at the facility. The school will own the building and agree to lease to the city for not less than 25 years. The city has not determined membership or user fees for the wellness center at this time
If the bond referendum passes, how will it impact my property taxes?
Tax rates are not expected to increase. The total tax rate (for Clear Lake Schools) has been $10.39 the past three years, and the Clear Lake School Board plans to keep the tax rate at or around $10.39 for 2021 and some future period of time.
Will the renovations add additional classes or teachers to the curriculum?
No additional teaching position or classes will be added directly due to the renovations. However, flexible learning spaces will allow for the possibility of expanding and enhancing current programs.
If the referendum is passed, can the description of construction projects be changed?
No. It cannot be changed. The district is obligated to construct the projects as specified in the ballot question.
Can the school use bond money to give teachers a raise or pay employment related expenses?
No. These are two separate pots of money. Teacher salaries are paid from the general fund. The bond proceeds may only be used for the infrastructure purposes stated in the ballot question.
What happens if the construction bids come back higher than estimated?
There are two options available. One option is to direct the designers to review and reanalyze the construction plans to try to discover ways to make the projects more economical without sacrificing quality. Another option is to allocate other district resources like sales tax or PPEL funds towards construction of the projects to make up the difference.
When would these projects begin?
If approved, the bond would allow the Clear Lake Board of Education to move forward with plans to start this summer with improvements to the safety and security of Clear Creek Elementary, EB Stillman, Lions Field Complex and greenhouse. The Wellness Center would be started in the fall of 2020 or spring of 2021, with the rest of the building remodeling happening in the summer of 2021.
Will the multi-purpose rooms at the wellness center be available for community groups to use?
Yes. The community will be allowed to use the facility all hours that the center is open. The second story of the building is especially dedicated to community use, with a walking track and fitness center, as well as rooms for various activities and classes. The school district will use the main floor court spaces as needed for practices outside of regular school hours. The district has its own weight room, which students will continue to use.
Is there any concern that the wellness center will be competition to other Clear Lake fitness centers?
It is not the intention of this project to impact existing businesses offering fitness services. The proposed wellness center will primarily offer walking track and court space not readily available in the community. The school district has been in contact with owners of local fitness centers and will work to keep communication open as to program possibilities.
Why fund so many projects at once?
The Clear Lake School Board has examined the district’s financial standing and projects it will be able to fund $18 million while holding the tax rate steady at approximately $10.39 per $1,000 of taxable valuation. The board feels it is prudent to make these upgrades for safety and flexible learning at this time. The updated learning environment will better fit 21st Century Learning and flexible learning spaces provide for collaborative learning to better meet student needs.
How will this benefit academics?
Learning happens everywhere. Flexible learning spaces provide areas for collaborative learning to suit today’s learning needs. Expanded gym space allows teams to practice earlier and get home to family and school work at a decent time. Safety improvements help students and staff to be more comfortable and secure in their learning.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
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