Running with purpose: Story finds fulfillment sharing his love of running through Ainsley’s Angels mission

What if you had the opportunity to change a person’s life, and give them an experience they could never have on their own?

That is why Steven Story got involved in his first race for Ainsley’s Angels. And that is why he is becoming an ambassador.  Story, the Pool and Wellness Manager at One Vision in Clear Lake, volunteers as the Clear Lake Earth Day 5K/10K race coordinator.

Ainsley’s Angels mission is to build awareness about America’s special needs community through inclusion in all aspects of life, including endurance racing. Ainsley’s Angels helps provide the Freedom Chair, an adaptive race chair, used to carry the passenger over the finish line in a race such as the 5K or 10K.

Story explained more about his decision to step forward:

“I can go out and run any time I want, day, night, cold, hot, doesn’t matter. I can run, and so can you. It might not be pretty, or fast, or even very far, but we can run.  Unfortunately, not everyone can run, for whatever reason not everyone has the gift of mobility.  That doesn’t mean, though, that they don’t dream of the wind on their face, or the cheer of the crowd, or a sense of speed and freedom.”

Story said this run is about being given the opportunity to do something you would never be able to do alone.

“The rider will never be able to cross the finish line without the runner, and the runner will never be able to give their legs to someone else without the rider,” explained Story, adding that the phrase “Together, we shall” is a theme used by the organization.  “I have the opportunity to run, so I run.  Sometimes, I get the privilege to push someone who can’t run with me, and they in turn do something

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I can’t.  They pull.  Together, we shall.”

Not everyone wants to run— and that’s OK too.

“It takes more than just the runner and athlete rider to make the run happen,” said Story.  “It takes guardian angels, the people that help get the rider into the chair, inspect the chair to make sure it is safe to roll, raise funds to purchase race chairs and other equipment, advocate for the riders and runners to get permission to participate in an event, recruit runners, recruit riders, provide support on runs and during races to make sure the athletes have what they need, educate, the list goes on.  Together, we shall.”

A portion of this year’s Earth Day 5K/10K registrations will go toward establishing an Ainsley’s Angels chapter in North Central Iowa. A video story and a funding page is at

Do you have what it takes to be a runner, rider athlete, or guardian angel?  If you do, let us know by visiting  and signing up to be a runner, rider, or guardian angel.


Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

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