Remember When 5-27-2020

by Michelle Watson

25 Years Ago

May 1995

Disney World is supposed to be the place where dreams come true and it lived up to its billing last week, as the Clear Lake High School Concert Choir was awarded first prize in the Walt Disney World MusicFest Competition.  In addition, the Lake Aires, Clear Lake’s swing choir, had their audience clapping along with them as they performed on the Fantasy Faire Stage in the Magic Kingdom’s Fantasy Land.  Clear Lake was the only 1A school to make the trip to the MusicFest, so Director Paul Langholz had to compete against other larger schools in the competition’s 2A division.  In the end, the Cinderella chorus took home the honors.

Sparks from a welder ignited the interior of a truck and escalated into a serious fire early Thursday morning at Charlson Excavating, 4111 7th Ave. N.  Someone from Orchard Park Mobile Home Court saw smoke coming from the office and shop building and called Clear Lake dispatch at 3:57 a.m.  Ventura firefighters were also called to the scene and water was trucked from a hydrant on East Main Ave. by both departments.  Damage was estimated at $225,000.

Residents of the Clear Lake Sanitary District could see a 400 percent increase in fees if district trustees proceed with a $15 million treatment plant improvement project.  About 50 people, including many associated with local government in Clear Lake and Ventura, attended a public hearing about the project May 23.  Following an explanation of the planned improvements, several voiced a concern that the costs to local property owners is too high.  Usage fees will be the primary method of payment for the project.

The North Iowa Fair has announced a second country music show will be added to the fair’s schedule.  Tim McGraw will be featured in a Friday, July 28 concert.  Tickets are $28.50 for chairs and $25 for all other seats.

Jon Shear, of Clear Lake, left for Marine Corps Recruit Training at San Diego, Calif.  He is he son of Dallas Shear, of Ventura, and Cherie Lee, of Clear Lake.  He is a 1994 graduate of Clear Lake High School.

Ventura Lakeside FFA Chapter members Will Pueggel, Andy Muff, Ken Rosendahl, Mike Menke, Matt Kitner and Matt Gustin all attended the Iowa FFA State Leadership Conference.

Clear Lake senior Nick Henningsen ran his final race a day earlier than he hoped.  He didn’t make the finals of the 110 high hurdles at the State Track Meet.  As so often happens at the State meet, one clipped hurdle spelled the end of Henningsen’s season and he finished sixth in his heat at 16.81.

Saturday’s Lake Race featured a 5K in-line skate race for the first time.

50 Years Ago

May 1970

Announcement was made of the sale of the Surf Ballroom property.  The transaction consisted of the sale of land, building and contents by a Lutheran Mutual Insurance Company to a newly formed corporation named Surf Land Co.  The officers and directors for Surf Land Co. are M.A. Arneson, James F. Connell, Robert S. Halford, Louis E. Schuler, all of Clear Lake, and Harry L. Hill, of Arlington Heights, Ill.

Basketball Coach Gary D. Anderson has asked to be released from his contract with the Clear Lake schools.

Led by medalist Mark Lux’s 40, Clear Lake won a triangular golf meet against Forest City and Garner.  Also carding scores were Jon Secory, John Lovell and Curtis Ungs.

Grocery specials for the week at Super Valu include: Butter-Nut Coffee, 2 lb., $1.38; Pillsbury Flour, 10 lb. bag, 89¢; Pillsbury Cake Mix, 4/98¢; Diet Rite or Royal Crown Cola, 8, 16 oz. bottles, 59¢; Swiss Steak, lb., 89¢; and Wilson Polish Sausage, lb., 79¢.

65 Years Ago

May 1955

Louis Knutson reported that Clear Lake had frost Sunday morning and that, on the lowest ground, the temperature was 26 degrees. Some tomato plants, covered with tin cans, were still nipped, he said.

Mmes. Robert Walker and Robert Young will close the Jack and Jill Nursery School which they have sponsored this year at 1008 Main Ave. for the summer vacation.

L.L. Bless, cashier of the Ventura State Bank, announced work on a new one story 40x44 ft. Roman brick bank building will begin this week.

Cp. Ronald G. Heinrich, who had been in Korea several months, received his discharge from the army.  He plans on spending the summer with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hinrichs.

100 Years Ago

May 1920

A circular has been passed to the merchants in Clear Lake and been cheerfully signed to close at 10:30 p.m. Saturdays during the summer.

Coney Island police have listed a list of don’ts for summer bathers.  Women must wear stockings, not socks.  One piece bathing suits are banned and skirts must fall to the knees.  And above all, there will be no shimmying.

The annual opening dance at the White Pier will be Friday night.  Music by the famous Metropolitan Orchestra of Mason City.

There will be a big dance at the Idelo Saturday night with Josh’s six piece Harp Orchestra with singing and saxophone.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

Mid-America Publishing

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