Local baseball and softball teams will take the field June 15

(Above) Tim Raber works on preparing the baseball field for the upcoming season.  The baseball and softball seasons will begin on June 15 under guidelines of the Department of Education and the Department of Public Health.  -Reporter photo by Chris Barragy

Clear Lake Youth Athletic League will also begin

June 15 will be a big day for local baseball and softball fans.  Clear Lake High School teams, as well as Clear Lake Youth Athletic League participants, will open their seasons.

On May 20, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds announced that summer athletic seasons may be conducted for high school baseball and softball following a two-month activities suspension due to COVID-19.  Practices were approved to start June 1 and the first contests may occur as early as Monday, June 15.  Fans will be permitted at games.

Clear Lake Activities Director Dale Ludwig said each of Clear Lake’s high school teams will play, using the schedules in place prior to the coronavirus crisis and school closing.  Under Governor Reynolds’ proclamation, middle school teams are not allowed to play this summer.  Ludwig noted it is possible the schedule may be altered slightly, due to weather or other circumstances.

Under the guidelines of the Department of Education and the Department of Public Health, coaches are responsible for ensuring social distancing is maintained between players as much as possible during practices. This means additional spacing between players while playing catch, changing drills so that players remain spaced out, and no congregating of players while waiting to bat. The NFHS Sports Medicine Advisory Committee recommends that workouts should be conducted in “pods” of students, with the same five to 10 students always working out together.

No dugouts are to be used during practice; use of dugouts are permitted during games only.  Players’ items should be lined up against a fence at least six feet apart.

During games, players should spread out as much as possible unless they are actively participating in the game. NFHS rules allow for dugouts/media areas to be extended down the foul lines, outside of the playing area. Additionally, bleachers can be placed directly behind the dugouts for additional seating for team personnel.

Schools must limit the use of bleachers for fans and encourage fans to bring their own chairs or stand. Fans should practice social distancing between different household units and accept personal responsibility for public health guidelines.

No concession stands are permitted at games.

On June 15, CLHS junior varsity and varsity softball and baseball teams will host Iowa Falls-Alden.  Freshmen teams will be at IF-A.


Leaders of the Clear Lake Youth Athletic League program conducted registration May 29 and 30, but still encourage online registration at www.clearlakeyal.com.   Participation is by choice; there are designated guidelines in place from the state and adults will be asked to help with social distancing.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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