Remember When 7-22-2020
(Above) Fishing in the Outlet, 1970 - These young fellows, (L-R): Brian Pierce, Jeff Floy and Dwight Krukow, exemplified the dreams of many adults on a lovely June day in 1970. The boys were living everyone’s perfect summer day fishing at the outlet where they were catching perch, bullheads, carp and suckers.
by Michelle Watson
25 Years Ago
July 1995
The Western Home has announced the suspension of plans to develop Windcove retirement community within the Clear Lake Methodist Camp. The project was introduced in late January of this year following acquisition of the property in September 1993. President of The Western Home stated that the design, development plan and marketing of Windcove failed to capture adequately the interests of seniors for which the community was planned.
A social meeting of the voting members of the All Veterans Social Center of Clear Lake will be held Aug. 8, to decide the future of the old All Veterans Social Center building at 2000 North Shore Dr., Clear Lake. The meting will be held at 8 p.m. at the V.F.W. Hall, 200 May Ave., Clear Lake.
Reconstruction work began last week on Main Ave. The first phase of the project involves the closing of Main from 5th St. to 8th St., however the 5th St. intersection remains open. New sewer and water lines, brick sidewalks and lights are included in the project.
On July 8, the Ventura Hustlers 4-H Club enjoyed a trip to Valley Fair. The trip was made possible through the generosity of the Country Garden Patch. The members of the Club sold flowers to raise money for the trip and other activities.
Clear Lake teachers past and present, along with other friends gathered Thursday to wish Barb Olson well and she prepares to begin service as K-6 principal at the Cardinal of Eldon School District. Olson had been a teacher at Lincoln School for 28 years.
Tom Lundeen, of Clear Lake, won the first All Vet’s Golf Club Tournament title on Sunday, firing a final round of 36 to outdistance perennial contender Dean Monson by six strokes.
A new sign was put up Friday, marking the change of Metropolitan Federal Bank, 17 S. 4th St., to First Bank Iowa. A grand opening for the bank was held Saturday.
Nearly 4,000 Winnebago-Itasca Travelers Club (W.I.T) members will make Forest City (population 4,500) their temporary home during the Grand National Rally scheduled for July 24-28. The theme for this year’s Grand National Rally is, “Stars and Stripes,” dedicated to the many World War II, Korean and Viet Nam veterans who are participating in this year’s event.
Dean Snyder of Clear Lake, has received the Iowa Lions Foundation’s Warren Coleman Award in recognition of his commitment to serving the community.
Grocery specials for the week at Easter Foods include: A&W Root Beer or Cream Soda, two liter, 69¢; Keebler O’boises Potato Snacks, 6 oz. bag, 99¢; Old Milwaukee Beer, 12-12 oz. cans, $3.98; pork chips, lb., $1.79; and round steak, lb., $1.29.
50 Years Ago
July 1970
Two persons are dead and a number injured as a result of two separate traffic accidents near Clear Lake on Sunday.
Corner Drug, in business since 1934, will hold a Grand Opening observance in its new location at 4th St. and Main Ave. The firm was located at 301 Main Ave. prior to moving it its new quarters in May.
With the close of the high school baseball season, Mike Byington who left midway through the season to attend the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado, came out on tip of the hitting department, sporting a strong .423 percentage. Rick Mayland finished second with a .349 average. Brad Heitland collected the most hits for the squad with 17.
Lee Castle, called “one of the best trumpet-players in the country,” will appear at the Surf with the Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra Saturday night.
75 Years Ago
July 1945
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Henriksen received a letter from their son, PFC Ronald Henrikson, saying he had been injured in action in Okinawa.
First Lt. James Kennedy is safe after a thrilling rescue off the coast of Japan, according to a telegram received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kennedy.
A.L. Lang, Masseur, has opened his bath parlors in the old Watkins Building on West Main. He will give Swedish massages and vapor baths.
Girl Scout Troop 5 is enjoying a stay on the island in the cottage provided by Mrs. L.E. Ashland. The Ashlands and Art Hammonds made repairs on the cottage.
Fudgcicles are a might good 5¢ treat on a hot summer day put out by Borden’s.
100 Years Ago
July 1920
City fathers have decreed that bathers must go to the waters and there will be no more parading around without a suitable coverlid, namely a bathrobe, overcoat or rain coat if they get more than 50 feet away from the water. There will be a fine of $100 or imprisonment in the bastille for the guilty.
Charles Ritz, one of he successful businessmen of the town, has purchased the Oakwood Hotel and will soon open it to the public.
Five speeders were arrested last Sunday. Town cops have their eyes peeled for fast drivers.
Just now when the world is in the most serious paper shortage ever, experiments are being made with flax straw.
Miss Esther Woodford is the owner of a fine new boat which was launched on Friday.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
Mid-America Publishing
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