Remember When 8-12-2020
(Above) The final leg, 1995 - Main Avenue reconstruction proceeded to the 400 block in 1995. Main Avenue closed in this one block area while the street and sidewalks were being re-done.
by Michelle Watson
26 Years Ago
August 1995
The future of All Vet’s Social Center remains on hold. Veterans voted 54-29 against razing the old North Shore Drive social center, which has been vacant since the 1960s. An 11th hour option for the former All Vet’s Social Center building surprised everyone attending a meeting of the board of directors Tuesday evening. A decision about the aging building was postponed after Gary Cameron, of Des Moines, told the board three investors, who he declined to name, are interested in purchasing the structure The men would restore and remodel the building and convert the interior into small shops.
Groundbreaking has been set for Sunday, Sept. 17, for the first Clear Lake home constructed by Cerro Gordo Area Habitat for Humanity volunteers. Donations of $3,500 out of the $7,500 needed for the lot have been received.
A Clear Lake man was hospitalized Sunday after a shotgun exploded in his hands while trap shooting at the Ventura Gun Club. The man was taken by private vehicle to North Iowa Mercy Health Center’s east campus, where he was listed in good condition.
A total of seven new teachers will join the faculty at Clear Lake Community Schools this fall. New teachers include Jamilyn Bleskacek, junior high special education; Diane Hansen, junior high one-fourth Spanish; Sara Abbas, junior high eighth grade mathematics; Sharon Hauser, junior high seventh grade language arts; David Benes, high school mathematics, head varsity boys basketball coach and assistant ninth football coach; Karren Stephens, Central Intermediate School Resource Room; and Angela Erickson, Sunset Primary School first grade.
A Kiddie Parade is being planned for Sunday, Sept. 3, at 7 p.m. in conjunction with Ventura’s CentennialFest. The parade will precede the fireworks. Parade entries such as bikes, wagons, or even dogs, should be decorated by kids.
Area engagements include: Rebecca Tanner and Robert Storbeck, who will be married in September; Aimee Nicole Minette and Andrew James Kern, will be married Oct. 7, at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church; and Angela Erickson and Steve Faber will be married Sept. 16, at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church.
Caller identification and other telephone management services are now available for Clear Lake Independent Telephone Company telephone customers. Caller identification allows the customer to see who is calling before they answer the phone. The number of the person calling is displayed via a small identification box attached to the customer’s phone or on a display screen on the telephone. Customers will also be able to see the name of the person calling them.
Fifty-eight area youngsters participated in the Oak Hills Par 30 Junior-Golf Tournament on Aug. 14. Cade Pleggenkuhle, 14, of Clear Lake, was the tournament medalist with rounds of 34 and 32 for a 66.
50 Years Ago
August 1970
Paul Spaulding after hearing of some tree branches preserved in a vein of peat, went out and dug some up for himself. Location of the find is an excavation site just north of the Kennedy Pond, south of Clear Lake. The Department of Earth Science, Iowa State University, estimates the wood is between 10,000 to 12,000 years old, and that it was buried by materials deposited by the latest of the glacial stages that have visited Iowa over the past one million years.
The Grand Opening of the Barberio Cheese House, located at 303 Main Ave., will be held Wednesday-Saturday. Samples will be available.
Playing at the Lake Theatre is Jack Lemmon and Sandy Dennis in a Neil Simon story, “The Out-Of-Towners.”
75 Years Ago
July 1945
Plans for a completely modern water system have been outlined for the city council by Mayor A.B. Philips. The total cost will be $217,500, which will include a new elevated storage tank and new distribution system.
Last minute details were being rushed by the various committees for the largest and most spectacular Governor’s Days ever since its inauguration several years ago. A floating stage, approximately 22x40 feet will be erected.
A.N. Michaels announced that he has sold the Clear Lake Taxi Co. to G.A. Lein effective Aug. 1.
Curly Lewis has purchased two cottages next to the Ritz Hotel and will build a place to house his boats.
Groceries for the week at A & P are: Fresh eggs, 38¢; milk, 2 quarts, 24¢; sausage, lb., 35¢; potatoes, 10 lbs., 54¢.
100 Years Ago
July 1920
A.O. Brunner, for six years the efficient, courteous and obliging assistant postmaster has been promoted to inspector and will leave soon for this new duties, which carries a salary of $2,300 per diem.
Mike Callanan, one of the oldest pioneers of Clear Lake, died Sunday at midnight at the age of 95.
A band of genuine gypsies, dirty and thieving, struck town Wednesday.
One of those enjoyable barn dances will be held in the Adolph Grell barn. Tickets are $1 and spectators are 25¢.
Every store in the city will be closed, as clerks and merchants will picnic at Bayside.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
Mid-America Publishing
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