Remember When 8-26-2020

Highway 18 construction, 1970 - Activities in Clear Lake in 1970 during the hot, summer days weren’t just confined strictly to pleasure.  Construction workers were putting in long hours working on Highway 18, which was slated to make the road a four-lane by fall.

by Michelle Watson

25 Years Ago

August 1995

As the story goes, when a railroad man asked what the area should be called, one of the Skene brothers, who owned a large tract of land in the area of today’s Ventura Marsh, said something like, “I don’t know, just call it a venture.”  And thus, Venture, Iowa was born in 1895.  A typographical error eventually caused the name to change to the more familiar Ventura, Iowa.  Ventura is celebrating its 100th birthday with three days of activities, reunions, special memorabilia  and more.

Heavy rains on Monday and Tuesday boosted the level of Cl3ar Lake to 2.76” above the weir.  The new level represents an increase of 1.92” over a week ago.

Clear Lake Independent Telephone Company President Marcia Connell cut the ribbon on the newly renovated and expanded company office.  Also, as an investment in Clear lake’s future, the company donated $20,000 to the Clear Lake Schools for new elementary school playground equipment and computers.

Former First Lady Barbara Bush will be at the North Iowa Community Auditorium on the NIACC campus Nov. 15.

A Cushman electric golf cart and 16-foot AMF Sunbird Sailboat are just two of the items to be raffled at the 13th Annual Auction at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, Sept. 10.

Casey Kathleen’s Tea Room and Specialty Shoppes, 301 Main Ave., Clear Lake, has announced it will close Sept. 5 for 10 days and reopen Sept. 16, with new additions to the emporium.  Moorman’s Clothiers of Mason City, will be a new business a the store, joining a gourmet food shop, O’Brien’s Interiors and a holiday shop.

The game plan is in place, and now it’s almost time to put it to the test.  The Clear Lake Lions open their football season Friday night at Algona.  Game time is 7:30 p.m.  The race to the top will not be easy for Clear Lake this season.  The Lions have lost their entire backfield on offense, as well as most of the defensive secondary.  Despite the losses, this team returns six on offense and seven on defense.  The rest of the spots will be filled by the 70 other players grades nine through 12.  Coach Fred Wieck said lineman, Caleb Ewers stand out as a force.  At 6’2” and weighing 220 pounds, Ewers will be starting as a tackle.  “Caleb is a horse - a killer,” said Wieck.  “He’ll get out there on the field and I’m half scared of him.”

Ventura Head Coach Mark Kuehl is very excited about this year’s team, which he feels will improve on last year’s 0-9 record. All-State receiver, Andy Luscomb is a standout on the team.  Another standout is All-District tailback Mike Menke.

Clear Lake softball outfielder Krista Fritz received Northeast Iowa All-District honors for her performance last season.  Fritz set a school record in overall batting percentage with a .450.  She also set records with 49 hits and 33 stolen bases.

50 Years Ago

August 1970

Monday night’s City Council meeting started out with routine matters but within 40 minutes the meeting had turned into a grievance hearing by council members on behalf of city employees.

Top names will appear at the Iowa State Fair.  Slated to appear at Johnny Cash, Engelbert Humperdinck, Red Skelton, Lawrence Welk and Porter Wagoner.

Grocery specials fort the week at Jensen’s West-Side Market include:  Jenos Frozen Pizza, each, 63¢; Shurfine Salad Dressing, 16 oz., 29¢; Nestle’s Candy Bars, 10/35¢; Shurfine Asprin, 100 ct., 23¢; Dunan Hines Cake Mixes, 3/$1; Armour Star Braunschwieger, lb., 49¢; Pork Spare Ribs, lb., 35¢; and Boneless Pork Chops, lb., 98¢.

75 Years Ago

July 1945

Frank Harmon, from southeast of Thornton, has a field of corn that grew 40” in two weeks.

A critical shortage of telephone instruments exists today. Many families who have urgent need are doing without or undergoing long delays.  A single battleship requires 1,200 phones.  The army is still taking telephone orders for equipment for new camps in the Pacific and will continue to do so for some time.

Rain ruined decorations on the boats, so the Venetian Night Parade wasn’t nearly as long.  It was still beautiful with each boat carrying red lights as they passed gave a magnificent fireworks display.

The number of farms in Cerro Gordo County is shown as 2,017, according to the census.  There were 1,996 in 1940.

100 Years Ago

July 1920

A beloved old veteran passed to his reward.  W.W. Hyde, who for 19 years was an official of the police department, has died.  The Masonic Lodge and G.A.R. will attend his services in a body.

Miss Evelyn Minium and Emil Ellefson were united in marriage at the home of the bride’s parents on Monday morning at 10 a.m.  The Mirror joins with their host of friends in wishing them a pleasant voyage on life’s journey over the rough seas.

Large crowds are being drawn to the tent show at the ball park.

A beautiful life was closed Tuesday just as the shadows of the night were enfolding the day.  Miss Winefred O’Neill closed her eyes and quietly passed on to join that triumphant throng that awaits on all the shores of the Promised Land.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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