Chamber makes plans for holiday event
by Marianne Gasaway
Just like almost every event in 2020, Clear Lake’s holiday celebration will take on a new look this year.
Due to challenges presented by COVID-19, the Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce has announced it is unable to present its annual Christmas By The Lake event in its usual fashion.
“We know the weekend will look very different without many of our beloved Christmas by the Lake activities. However, we’re hoping to spread some holiday cheer by offering safe, socially-distanced, family-friendly activities to enjoy, said Stacy Doughan, president and CEO of the Chamber.
Due to the current pandemic, the Chamber will not hold its lighted parade and fireworks on the first Saturday in Decemeber.
“That being said, we are still planning a wonderful “Home for the Holidays” weekend with safe outdoor and socially distanced family fun activities,” stated Doughan. “We are also excited to support One Vision’s 25th Annual Festival of Trees and their “Home for the Holidays” events planned for the same weekend.”
Doughan added that given the ever-changing atmosphere relative to COVID-19, the Chamber will continue to monitor the situation and may cancel planned activities at any time due to new restrictions or regulations put into place at the State and City levels.
“As much as we want a fun-filled weekend, we must do so in a way that provides a safe environment for the protection of all within our community,” she said.
Confirmed activities for Dec. 5 include: a Holiday Craft Bazaar at the Senior Citizens Center, Clear Lake Public Library Storytime in a Bag Grab & Go Christmas activity, Clear Lake Arts Center 12 Days Holiday Market, Simply Nourished Outdoor Christmas Market located along North 3rd Street and Main Avenue, the Hovick Family Farm Petting Zoo, socially-distanced Santa House visits, Clear Lake Bank & Trust virtual Prince & Princess Contest, Timbercrest Decorate the Deck Contest, Christmas with the Rollaz featuring the Holy Rocka Rollaz at the Surf Ballroom and Everybody Plays Playground Plunge: Freezin’ for a Reason, along with the One Vision Lights on 5K, Breakfast with Santa and Festival of Trees.
Additional activities are in the works, according to the Chamber and an up-to-date list of confirmed activities can be found at events calendar.
“As with other events we’ve successfully hosted this year, we ask attendees to follow CDC and CG Public Health guidelines,” added Doughan. “We strongly encourage attendees wear a mask when unable to maintain a distance of 6 ft. from other individuals. We also ask individuals not attend if ill with a fever, cough, difficulty breathing, lack of taste or smell, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea/vomiting, or diarrhea. Furthermore, we recommend individuals over 65 years of age, those with underlying preexisting conditions, or pregnant not attend. We truly appreciate the community’s support during this unusual year and are looking forward to spreading some holiday cheer the first weekend in December.”
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
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