Remember When 3-3-2021

by Michelle Watson

25 Years Ago

March 1996

Iowa Governor Terry Branstad was in Clear Lake to address the Clear Lake Area Economic Development Corporation at its annual meeting.  The Governor’s itinerary also included stops at two local industries, Serta Mattress and Cole Sewell Corporation.  At the annual meeting, Branstad presented EDC officials with a Community Economic Preparedness Program (CEPP) award.  He also saw the video and interactive graphics computer program about the Clear Lake area recently completed by the EDC.

The Clear Lake City Council has approved spending up to $1,000 for an Iowa State University study of possible landscaping options north of the existing sea wall.

The Clear Lake Convention and Visitor’s Bureau Events Committee has established six ticket outlets in the community, so that visitors and residents can have ready accessibility to tickets for Clear Lake events.  The six Clear Lake businesses which have agreed to act as ticket outlets are Backyard Deli, Ben Franklin, Boatmen’s Bank, Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce, Clear Lake Bank and Trust and Corner Drug.

The Clear Lake Planning and Zoning Commission has tabled a request by Dean Snyder Construction Co. to build a four-plex at 2415 South Lakeview Court, Clear Lake.  

The city will proceed with surveying and planning for the extension of sewer lines from South 3rd Street at Pine Tree Park south to about 15 properties in the Oak Hills Golf Course area.  The area has been on the city’s priority list for service since it was annexed.  The estimated cost for the project is $105,000.

George Fountas, Mason City, has announced his candidacy for Cerro Gordo County sheriff.

Andy Luscomb, Dan Fields, Ellie Pueggel and Tiffani Ward, of Ventura High School, participated in the 1996 Dorian Vocal Festival at Luther College.

The Budget Inn, Clear Lake, has named Jan King as its general manager.

Clubs with news in the “Club News” section of the newspaper included: North Iowa Mended Hearts, North Iowa Quilters Guild, Clear Lake Duplicate Bridge, Clear Lake Christian Singles Fellowship, Clear Lake Woman’s Club, and Clear Lake Rotary.

The North Star Conference announced is 1995-96 All-Conference for girls and boys basketball.  The boys side, Ventura had two named to the First Team, Dan Fields and Andy Luscomb.  Aaron Rothrock and Jared Ringus earned Honorable Mention recognition.  On the girls side, Allison Cooper earned First Team honors, while Abby Ringus was named to the Second Team.  Erin Watson and Ellie Pueggel were selected for Honorable Mention.

The Barrel is offering a Chicken lunch for $1.89.  The meal includes two pieces of dark meat chicken and fries.

50 Years Ago

February 1971

Just as Clear Lakers were fool-hardy enough to think spring might be just around the corner, Old Man Winter made an unpopular encore.  A total of eight inches of snow fell Monday once again leaving residents the gigantic task of digging out.

The Clear Lake boys basketball team won two of three games last week.  The topped Clarion, 69-52, and Hampton, 69-49, but fell to Waverly-Shell Rock, 70-60.  Mike Clancy was the top scorer in the Clarion game with 16-points.  Brad Arends and Mike Clancy each scored 18 points in the Hampton game.  Clancy and Bill Larson were top scorers against Waverly-Shell Rock with 15 points apiece.

Specials for the week at Gibson’s include: ironing board, $3.97; men’s thermal underwear, $1.27 each; Lucite wall paint, gallon, $5.97; Kodak Instamatic Camera with film, flashcube and batteries, $9.47; ladies head scarves, 17¢; and Dickies men’s jeans, $4.97.

75 Years Ago

January 1946

Word has been received here that Jack D. Whitney, Chief Commissary Steward, USN is on the USS Daulphin, engaged in Magic Carpet duty bringing veterans home from overseas bases.

The Danish Masquerade Ball was held at the Surf Ballroom.  About 1,057 persons attended.  H.W. Nicholson, Garner, had everyone baffled for the grand march, when he received first prize for the best dressed woman present.

William Madsen is the new manager of the Farmers Co-op Lumber Co.  He succeeds Willis Miller.

Mrs. Harry Morse, who has been Society Editor here at the Reporter, is spending a delayed honeymoon with her husband who has just received his release from the service.

100 Years Ago

            January 1921

The school house three miles east of Clear Lake on the cement road and one-half mile north was destroyed by fire Wednesday.  Mrs. E.E. Studyvin was the teacher.  She built her fire about 8:30.  About an hour after she discovered the belfry was on fire.  The children carried out their books and other moveable articles.  No doubt sparks from the chimney were responsible for the fire.  Neighbors soon gathered and carried out desks, seats, etc. 

Eggs and butter have taken another tumble downward.  At Locke’s beef steak, sirloin and round is 22¢ a pound; beef roast is 15¢ per pound; hamburger and sausage is 15¢ per pound; lard is 15¢ per pound; pork chops are 22¢ per pound and pork steak is 20¢ per pound.

Florence Carol Smith had the misfortune to be run into by a coaster sled while sliding down a hill.  As a result she had her glasses broken and a badly bruised eye.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

Mid-America Publishing

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