Remember When 3-24-2021

(Above) Sno Foolin’ in 1971 - These two sun lovers, Mrs. Harley Moore (Left) and Sue Smith, couldn’t wait for summer, so in 1971 they took advantage of the sun and mild temperatures in March and donned their bathing suits and perched atop the snow that lined the Sea Wall.  Both girls are secretaries at The Surf.  Mayor Dale Pattschull didn’t even issue them a ticket despite the fact they caused a minor traffic jam along North Shore.

by Michelle Watson

25 Years Ago

March 1996

The Clear Lake School District’s 280.12 Committee hopes to finalize a “need statement” for a new school, discuss the feasibility of including a community center and look at campaign strategy for a possible bond issue election this fall.

Clear Lake Sanitary District Trustees are now reconsidering the possibility of annexing all incorporated areas of Clear Lake and Ventura into the sanitary district for the purpose of assessing taxes to defray the cost of the district’s system improvements.

Dave Theiss cut the ribbon on the new Theiss Shirts building, located at 2301 3rd Ave. S.  Dave, along with his wife, Patty, are owners of the longtime Clear Lake business, which has moved off Main Ave. to a much larger facility next door to Krieger’s Floral and Greenhouse.  Theiss Shirts specializes in screen printing, embroidery and sewn lettering.

Navy Ensign K. Sorbo, son of William A. and Cheryl Sorbo, Clear Lake, recently completed the Basic Surface Warfare Officer’s Course at the Surface Warfare Officer’s School in Newport, R.I.  As a surface warfare officer, Sorbo will serve as a shipboard officer assigned to control the ship’s movement, coordinate its weapons systems and sensors, or manage the operation of its propulsion machinery.  Sorbo is a 1991 graduate of Clear Lake High School.

Jenny Hackenmiller and Jason Currier have announced their engagement.  A June 7 wedding is planned at Holy Family Catholic Church, Mason City.

Jim and Sue (Stilwell) Joynt, of Clear Lake, will celebrate their 30th anniversary on April 2. 

Marc and Robin Younge, Ventura, announce the birth of their daughter, Courtney Beth, born Feb. 17, 1996.  She is their first child.  

Six Clear Lake residents have been named as recipients of the 1996 Governor’s Annual Volunteer Recognition Awards.  Awards went to: Economic Development, Sandra Blodgett, R.E. Hayes; Education, Dr. Robert Gross; Human Services, Helen Estergard, Liz Gossards; Department of Public Safety, Dean Hess.

There was more hoopla than serious hoops Monday night, as local personalities took on the Minnesota Vikings Basketball team.  The event was a fund raiser for Opportunity Village.

Nick Weber, of Clear Lake, won the championship in Division A 75-pound competition at the Iowa State AAU Championship held last weekend in Cedar Rapids.  Weber posted a 5-0 record in the 32 man bracket.

Grocery specials for the week at Fareway include:  Wells Blu Bunny Ice Cream, 5 qt. pail, $2.99; Butternut Coffee, 34 oz. can, $4.99; Zesta Saltine Crackers, 16 oz. box, 99¢; Tombstone Pizza, 12”, 2/$6; Boomsma Cream Cheese, 8 oz., 79¢; California strawberries, lb., 88¢; Huggies Supreme Diapers, 20-28 ct., $5.99; 80% lean ground beef, lb., 99¢; Fastco bratwurst patties, 4 lb. bag, $5.59; and loin back ribs, lb., $1.59.

50 Years Ago

March 1971

Hot pants is the new fashion trend that is all the rage.  Residents were asked their opinions on the new fashion.  Mrs. Jim Ranson said, “If I was 25 years younger and 20 pounds lighter, I’d be wearing them.”  Daren Russell said, “I don’t think they’re any worse than mini skirts and they went over fine.”  Mrs. Wayne Wilcox said, “I think they’re real cute on young girls.  We’re a tourist town and a lot goes here.”

A little bit of Nashville came to Clear Lake Saturday night when Bill Anderson, star of the Grand Ole Opry and Decca records, appeared at the Surf.  Anderson’s latest record, “Where Have All The Heroes Gone?” is growing in popularity.

Out of 31 entries in the District speech competition at Radcliffe on Saturday, Clear Lake High School took 26 top awards.  Clear Lake certified more students into State competition than any other school in their district.

75 Years Ago

March 1946

Billy Schober Sr. purchased the house located at the intersection of East Main next to the Farmers Lumber Co.  They intend to remodel it for an apartment house.

Oluf T. Hansen has some good grocery specials: Instant Coffee, lb., 33¢; lemon and butterscotch pudding, 5¢; walnut meats, 1/2 lb., 50¢; mail pouch tobacco, 10¢; hominy, 2.5 size can, 16¢.

A.G. Jordan buys horses for killing purposes every day at the Milwaukee Stock Yards in Mason City.  Top prices are paid.

About 225 persons attended the dinner given by the local Lions Club in honor of district governor, Ed Boyle, John Perkins, local president, was toastmaster.  Singing was led by Fred Martin.

100 Years Ago

March 1921

Dr. E.L. Wurtzer has located here, having rented the Dr. Scanlon house and the office rooms over Ward’s Furniture Store.  Dr. Wurtzer has been practicing in Mason City.

Ed Van Loan has rented the building east of the Basket Grocery and has put in a full line of heating and plumbing supplies.

Chris Estergard is now equipped to do all kinds of carpenters work.  Just call 560.

Smart Knox Hats for women are being featured at Francis Rogers Men’s Store.  They feature the rolled brim, full crown and georgette draped band.

Mrs. Joseph Hayden will rent her vacuum cleaner for 50¢ an hour.

Charles Comstock has sold his fine new boat, Belford, and his other boats to the Park Co.  This will settle the old grievances between the two.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

Mid-America Publishing

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