Rough week for girls tennis team
(Above) Haley Jackson returns a volley during a home meet against Osage on Monday, April 25. -Reporter photo by Chris Barragy
It was a rough week for the Clear Lake girls tennis team. The Lions were blanked by Osage Monday, April 25, and Iowa Falls-Alden the following day.
Osage 9, CL 0
Kaitlyn Olson (O) def. Aimee Groenenweg, 8-3
Kendall Olson (O) def. Ashlyn Fread, 8-0
Lauren Swanson (O) def. Emily Roberts, 8-4
Brooklyn Brock (O) def. Haley Jackson, 8-6
Sue Meir (O) def. Macey Brant, 8-7
Faith Nielsen (O) def. Lilliana Rodriguez, 8-6
Olson/Olson (O) def. Groenenweg/Fread, 8-3
Swanson/Brock (O) def. Roberts/Jackson, 8-0
Meir/Nielsen (O) def. Brant/Emma Allie, 8-4
IF-A 9, CL 0
Lauren Wood (IFA) def. Groenenweg, 8-2
Elly Wood (IFA) def. Fread, 8-3
Kadynce Winters (IFA) def. Roberts, 8-2
Sage Heitland (IFA) def. Jackson, 8-3
Aubrey Johnson (IFA) def. Brant, 8-0
Haley Bridgewater (IFA) def. Rodriguez, 8-1
Wood/Wood (IFA) def. Groenenweg/Fread, 6-3
Heitland/Johnson (IFA) def. Roberts/Jackson, 8-5
Winters/Bridgewater (IFA) def. Brant/Rodriguez, 8-5
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
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