Page 14 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 12-16-2015
P. 14
SportsPage 14 • Dec. 16, 2015 Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
Baker claims championship A win and a loss for Cardinals
at N-P Tournament It was week of ups and downs sunk four more threes and headed to
The Garner-Hayfield-Ventu- Saturday, Dec. 12. Three individual for the Garner-Hayfield-Ventura boys the locker room with a large 47-29
ra wrestling team competed at the wrestlers had a successful day, but as a CADE BAKER basketball team, as they dropped one lead. JAMES BETZ
Nashua-Plainfield Tournament on team, the Cardinals struggled. formed well at the tournament,” said game and won another. The Cardi- Despite a better second half,
GHV placed sixth in the 10 team Jenniges. nals moved to 3-1 in the Top of Iowa where the Cardinals were only out-
Clear Lake Reporter tournament with 91-points. MFL- Zach Eichmann got first place at Conference, West Division. scored by three-points, the first half
Mar-Mac won the tournament with 106-points and Tyler Nielson was sec- deficit was too much for the Cardinals
SPORTS 236-points, followed by Nashua- ond at heavyweight. West Hancock 79, GHV 64. to overcome and they fell, 79-64.
CALENDAR Plainfield with 143-points. The Cardinals are 1-1 in the Top The undefeated West Hancock “We were able to make a little
“As a team we didn’t compete that of Iowa Conference West Division. boys (3-0, 5-0) proved to be too much run in the second half, but it was evi-
Continued from page 13 well, as we had five open weights,” On Thursday, Dec. 17, they are for GHV on Tuesday, Dec. 8. The dent we were not ready to play,” said
said Coach Cory Jenniges. in a triangular with Forest City and Eagles soared past the Cardinals, 79- Albertson.
MASON CITY HOCKEY GHV’s Cade Baker claimed the Belmond-Klemme at Belmond. The 64. Two players had double-dou-
•JV/V Hockey: Sat., Dec. 19, at Lincoln championship at 182-pounds. meet begins at 6 p.m. “We got off to a terrible start,” bles for the night. Sam Cataldo
Jr. Stars, 6 p.m. Also wrestling in the finals was said Coach Joe Albertson. “We were had 17-points and 14 rebounds and
•JV/V Hockey: Sun., Dec. 20, at Lincoln Austin Case, at 106 pounds, and Co- having trouble executing on both ends James Betz had 13-points and 15
Jr. Stars, 8:30 a.m. lyn Schoneman, at 152-pounds. Both of the floor and West Hancock was rebounds. The pair also had two
wrestlers placed second. playing well.” blocked shots apiece.
Jace Prignitz placed third at West Hancock had a hot hand in Johnathan O’Connor also had a
126-pounds and Jon Hulbert was the first quarter, sinking four three- good game with 18-points and three
fourth at 160-pounds. Grady Um- point shots to build a solid 26-15 first steals.
barger was fifth at 195-pounds. quarter lead. The Eagles didn’t slow
“The junior varsity boys per- down in the second quarter and they GHV 67, Belmond-Klemme 21
GHV’s experience and size over-
GHV girls drop two TIC match-ups powered Belmond-Klemme on Fri-
day, Dec. 11. The Cardinals dominat-
•Hockey: Thurs., Dec. 17, at Nashville, The Garner-Hayfield-Ventura when the GHV girls faced West Han- mond-Klemme on Friday, Dec. 11, ed the Broncos, 67-21, in conference SAM CATALDO
10:30 a.m. girls dropped two Top of Iowa Con- cock on Tuesday, Dec. 8. The unde- without one of their top players. action. ed to play well to build our confi-
•Hockey: Fri., Dec. 18, at Pittsburgh, noon ference match-ups last week, moving feated Eagles handed the Cardinals a Hannah Lau was out of the line-up GHV had eight points on the dence.”
•Hockey: Sat., Dec. 19, home vs. Atlanta, their record to 1-3 in the West Divi- 68-35 loss. Turnovers played a major with a concussion. board before B-K scored on a three- Balanced scoring was provided
1 p.m. sion. The Cardinals are in a three-way part of GHV’s loss, with West Han- “We had no answer for the size point shot. The Cardinals then went by James Betz, Sam Cataldo and Nick
tie for sixth place with Eagle Grove cock scoring 45-points off 36 Car- of their two best players without Han- on another eight-point run to move Joynt. Betz had 13-points, Cataldo
Area athletes playing in a college sport in- and Belmond-Klemme. dinal turnovers, most on breakaway nah,” said Coach Matt Erpelding. to 18-3. The first quarter ended with added 12 and Joynt sunk 11-points.
clude: Trudy Peterson, Clear Lake, Basketball, West Hancock 68, GHV 35 layups. “We did an okay job guarding them GHV up by 15, 20-5. The buckets Betz led the team under the
NIACC; Chase Lester, Clear Lake, Basketball, It was a tough night on the road “I was very disappointed in our in the initial offensive set, but we sim- continued to fall for the Cardinals, as boards with seven rebounds, while
NIACC; Brennan Doebel, Clear Lake, Wres- effort in this game,” said Coach Matt ply refused to box them out, allowing they took a very comfortable 40-11 Cataldo and Ryan Meyers both
tling, NIACC; Jacob Colon, Clear Lake, Wres- Erpelding. “When we took our time them to get numerous second chance lead into the half. grabbed six. Holden Hutcheson had
tling, Grand View College. and saw the floor we would get layups, points.” Tight defense held the Broncos five rebounds.
but more times than not we made The Cardinals were outscored 29- scoreless for the first four minutes Payton James and Johnathan
Sport Shorts poor decisions with the basketball.” 19 in the first half. of the second half. The bench took O’Connor had three steals apiece,
The Eagles opened the game GHV got down by as many as over midway through the third quar- while Betz and Ben Baumgard had
State champions to be recognized with back-to-back threes to take the 15-points in the third quarter, 40-25, ter. The subs also played well, allow- two apiece. Cataldo had two blocked
lead early, 10-2. West Hancock didn’t before they went on a six-point run ing the Broncos only three points in shots.
On Thursday, Dec. 17, at the Clear Lake High School wrestling meet, let up, as they closed the first quarter to close the third quarter with a score the fourth quarter. The domination The team hosts Lake Mills on Fri-
Brennen Doebel and Ryan Leisure will be recognized for being a State wres- with a score of 27-11. of 42-31. The Broncos outscored the ended with the Cardinals picking up a day, Dec. 18. Game time is 7:30 p.m.
tling champion last season. The wrestlers will be honored between the first GHV did have a six-point run Cardinals 15-8 in the fourth quarter huge 67-21 victory.
and second dual of the night. in the second quarter behind some for the final, 57-41. “The boys moved the ball, fed
strong free-throw shooting, but the “I am still trying to find the right the post, attacked the rim, challenged
CARES to host supper at wrestling meet Eagles followed that with an 11-point combination of girls for us to have the shots and got into the passing lanes,”
unanswered run for a half time score most success on both ends of the floor. said Coach Joe Albertson. “We need-
The CARES Committee will host a chili/soup supper on Thursday, of 49-27. We need to cut our turnovers down
Dec. 17, in conjunction with the Clear Lake Wrestling Meet. Serving will be West Hancock outscored the drastically and find a group that shares Get ready to play CL Tel’s
held from 5:30 p.m. until gone at the high school. Cost is $6 and includes Cardinals, 16-5 in the third quarter, the basketball as needed to have suc- Pick-It-Bowl Football Contest
choice of chili or chicken noodle soup, a cinnamon roll and lemonade. All 65-32. There was not much scor- cess offensively,” said Erpelding.
proceeds will go to the CARES after prom party. ing on either end of the court in the Jillian Heitland had nine points Have some fun and get a chance to win a free Go Pro adventure camera just
fourth quarter, with the final being for GHV, followed closely by Mikaya by playing the free Pick-It-Bowl Challenge College Online Football Contest.
CL to compete in "Battle of Waterloo" 68-35. Shropshire and Taryn Carolus with The free online football contest is sponsored by CL Tel.
Jillian Heitland led the Cardinals seven points apiece. Maddie Wil- The free contest is open to all Clear Lake and Ventura area residents. Just
The 6th annual "Battle of Waterloo" wrestling tournament will be held with 13-points. Hannah Lau added liams contributed six, Mara Anderson register for the game by going to Follow the
Sat., Dec. 18-19. The event will be held at the following locations, Water- seven, while Jade Hanson and Mallory had five points and Jade Hanson and bowl games by selecting winners online, then track how your picks compare
loo's Young Arena, 125 Commercial Street, Waterloo's East and West High Johnson had four points each. Miranda Jackson had four and three with other Clear Lake and Ventura fans. Everyone who participates has a
Schools, along with the National Wrestling Hall of Fame Dan Gable Mu- Heitland and Lau led under points respectively. chance to win the prizes, which include the Go Pro adventure camera, a Roku
seum. Clear Lake is one of the 32-teams invited to the tournament. On the boards with seven rebounds There was also balanced rebound- box for streaming movies or TV series or Clear Lake Chamber bucks to be used
Friday, Dec. 18, teams will be seeded and placed in one of the four standard each. Payton Bamrick pulled down ing, with Williams and Hanson grab- at any participating Clear Lake business.
8-team brackets. Two of these brackets will compete in a morning session at five. bing five rebounds apiece, while Heit- For the first time this year, each participant will receive a personalized dash-
9 a.m., 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. The other two brackets compete at 4 p.m., 6 p.m. Taryn Carolus had three blocked land had four. board to track their picks. Plus, there will be head-to-head team profiles to
and 8 p.m. The three matches will determine each team's place in the second shots to go with her two assists and Shropshire and Williams had review.
day's round robin championship brackets. one steal. three steals apiece. Jackson led the In a survey of last year’s participants, 98 percent of the players said they
Miranda Jackson led the team in team in assists with three. wanted to play again this year. That same percentage said it was more enjoyable
GHV Sports Boosters plan tournaments assists with three. The girls are home on Friday, than other contests, because it involved their local community. The first game
Dec. 18, when they face Lake Mills. begins this week.
The GHV Sports Boosters will be hosting the following tournaments: Belmond-Klemme 57, GHV 41 Game time is 6:15 p.m.
Boys Basketball Tournaments will be held on Feb. 12 for grades 7-8 and on The Cardinals had to play Bel-
Feb. 13 for grades 3-6. A Girls Basketball Tournament will be held on Sat.,
Feb. 20, for grades 4-7. For more information contact Chad Shaw at 641-
485-6178 or Cheila Frayne at 641-860-0776.
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