Page 16 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 12-16-2015
P. 16

Sports/NewsPage 16 • Dec. 16, 2015									                                                                                                                                                           Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter

CL 8th grade boys pick up two                                                                                                                                           DNR: Public comment
wins against Webster City                                                                                                                                               welcomed about
                                                                                                                                                                        banning alcohol in
	 Clear Lake eighth grade boys            their game they are going to be hard                                                                                          State parks, beaches
basketball teams picked up victories      to beat.”
against Webster City last week.           	 The Lions also picked up a win          GHV Junior High Band students that were selected for the North Central Iowa         	 The Iowa Department of Natu-            been formally reserved through the
	 On Dec. 10, the Lions dominat-          in the B game, 30-19. Cael Crispin        Bandmaster Association Honor Band include front row (L-R): Eric Heitland and        ral Resources is seeking informal pub-    DNR will not be subject to the ban.
ed the Lynx, 46-16. Jaylen DeVries        led the way with eight points. Con-       Brandon Englin. Back row (L-R): Alyssa Nelson, Luke Brown, Isaac Knutson and        lic comment on a draft proposed rule      	 This ban is being considered
paced the Lions with 20 points.           nor O’Tool, Austin Larson, Brody          Ethan Hansen. -Submitted photo.                                                     under consideration that would ban        because incidents reveal a continued
Ryan Thomas scored six, Jack Barragy      Kuhemeier, Bryce McClurg and Jack-                                                                                            alcohol year-round on all beaches in      pattern of excessive alcohol consump-
and Kanon Goeman had five points          son Loge each scored four and Hunter      GHV Jr. High students selected                                                      state parks and state recreation areas.   tion at multiple state beaches, which
apiece, and Brecken Arndt and Kody        Nielsen finished with two points.         for Bandmasters honor band                                                          	 The proposed ban would apply            threaten the safety of the general pub-
Kearns each scored four. Mitchell Ra-     	 “The Lions once again started on                                                                                            to the sand or the fenced in area of the  lic and personnel.
ber added two points.                     top and stayed on top.  Like the first                                                                                        beach, the adjacent designated swim-      	 Comments may be directed to
	 “Last year the Lions lost to            game, they too showed their oppo-                                                                                             ming area, and a 200-foot land buf-       Jessica Manken at 515-725-8488
Webster City by two points,” said         nent that they wanted to win by out-                                                                                          fer surrounding the sand or fenced in     or at
Coach Shawn Puttmann. “They               hustling them.  The Lions have a bal-                                                                                         area. Rental facilities that are within   through close of business on Monday,
came out and made a statement this        anced attack on their opponents. We                                                                                           the 200-foot land buffer that have        Dec. 21, 2015.
year.  You could see in their eyes that   have several players who can scored at
they wanted revenge from last year’s      any time,” said Coach Puttmann.
loss.  When the Lions are on top of

Busy week for CL 8th grade girls                                                                                                                                        County recommends flu shots

	 Clear Lake’s eighth grade girls         18 points, while Sarah Faber contrib-     	 Six GHV Junior High Band                nior High were: Alyssa Nelson, flute,     	 The Cerro Gordo County De-              (called “trivalent” vaccines) are avail-
basketball teams squared off against      uted  16.  Lexi Fasbender and Merfeld     students were selected as members of      Luke Brown, trumpet, Eric Heitland,       partment of Public Health is recog-       able. In addition, flu vaccines made
three opponents last week.                had two three-pointers apiece. In         the North Central Iowa Bandmasters        horn, Isaac Knutson, trombone,            nizing National Influenza Vaccination     to protect against four different flu
	 The Lions opened up the week            the second game,  the girls came out      Association Honor Band held Sat-          Ethan Hansen, tuba and Brandon            Week by reminding residents to get        strains (called “quadrivalent” vaccines)
on Monday, Dec. 7, with a couple          with a hard fought 16-16 tie.  Allexa     urday, Nov. 14, at Humboldt High          Englin, percussion.                       their flu vaccine as soon as possible.    also are available. FluMist is also avail-
of wins against Webster CIty.  In the     Whitehouse, Ashlin Cooper and Lyd-        School. The day began with auditions      	 Alyssa Nelson was also selected         	 Flu activity typically peaks be-        able (also a “quadrivalent” vaccine).
first game the Lions won, 37-29.  Julia   ia Futrell all had four  points for the   for chair placement.  Auditions were      through audition as an alternate for      tween December and February in the        	 While there’s still time to benefit
Merfeld scored 14 points while Lexi       Lions.                                    based upon required etudes, scales        the eighth grade All Iowa Honor           United States, and the season can last    from the flu vaccine, the sooner you
Fasbender added nine. In the second       	 On Friday the Lions traveled to         and the honor band music.  Approxi-       Band.                                     as late as May. The CDC recommends        get vaccinated, the more likely you are
game, the girls came out ahead with       Mason City and left with two loss-        mately 190 students from 33 Schools       	 The bands concluded their full          a yearly flu vaccine for everyone six-    to be protected against the flu when
a 12-7 win.  Sky Toyne led all scorers    es.  In the first game they were out-     in North Iowa were selected to create     day of rehearsals with a 5 p.m. per-      months of age and older as the first      activity picks up in our community.
with six points.                          scored 43-25.  Leading scorers were       two equally skilled bands under direc-    formance to a packed auditorium of        and most important step in protecting     	 “With the holidays just around
	 On Tuesday the team traveled            Julia Merfeld with 12 and Sarah Faber     tion of guest conductors.                 family, friends and directors.            against seasonal flu viruses. It offers   the corner, it’s important to get your
to Clarion and came away with a win       with six.  In the second game, the girls  	 Students representing GHV Ju-                                                     the best protection available against     flu vaccine as soon as possible as it can
and a tie.  In the first game, the Lions  played extremely hard, but lost 17-6.                                                                                         this serious disease. Many individuals    take up to two weeks for the vaccine
came out red hot and posted a 53-25       Sky Toyne led all scorers with four       Free pre-diabetes program offered                                                   with chronic medical conditions are       to be fully effective,” said Jeni Stiles,
win.  Julia Merfeld led all scorers with  points.                                                                                                                       at serious risk of developing complica-   Infectious Disease specialist, Cerro
                                                                                                                                                                        tions from the flu virus such as pneu-    Gordo County Department of Public
Strong start to the season for CL                                                   	 The Cerro Gordo County De-              ment of Public Health.                    monia and bronchitis.                     Health.
7th grade girls basketball team                                                     partment of Public Health is offer-       	 Guided by a trained lifestyle           	 There are a few flu vaccine op-         	 Those interested in receiving the
                                                                                    ing a program to help individuals at      coach, groups of participants will        tions for the 2015-2016 season. Tra-      flu vaccine, but are unsure of which
	 The Clear Lake seventh grade            foul. 	                                   risk for diabetes, prevent the disease.   learn the skills they need to make last-  ditional flu vaccines made to protect     vaccine to choose, may call the Coun-
girls have started off the basketball     	 The second team couldn’t quite          The Diabetes Prevention Program is a      ing changes such as losing a modest       against three different flu strains       ty Health Department at 641-421-
season strong. The Lions beat Hamp-       catch up, but had a great comeback.       nationally recognized program from        amount of weight, being more physi-                                                 9321.
ton-Dumont, 55-2, and Webster City,       Coach Lasher noted Emily Myers had        the Centers for Disease Control and       cally active, and managing stress. In
25-21.                                    a couple nice hustle plays and shots in   Prevention, proven to prevent or delay    addition, they will learn how to eat      Armour leaving Visit Mason City
	 “The girls are showing great            the second half.                          the onset of type 2 diabetes through      healthy, stay motivated, and solve
potential,” said Coach Abby Lasher.                                                 modest lifestyle changes made with        problems that can get in the way of       	 Visit Mason City has announced credible results due to teamwork and
“Zoe Fasbender, Ali Maulsby and           NIACC wrestlers                           the support of a coach and one’s peers.   healthy changes. The Diabetes Preven-     that Executive Director Sue Armour support from the entire community.”
Chelsey Holck bring a lot of experi-      ranked third                              	 People with prediabetes — high-         tion Program groups meet weekly for       will leave her post at the organization.    	 “I am extremely proud and grate-
ence to this seventhth grade team. So-                                              er-than-normal blood glucose (sugar)      six months, followed by six monthly       Armour has served in this position for ful for what Armour has accomplished
phie Ollenburg has made great prog-       	 The NIACC wrestling team                levels — are 5 to 15 times more likely    maintenance sessions to assist with       nearly 20 years.   Her last day at Visit during her tenure with Visit Mason
ress early on.                            is ranked third in the latest NJCAA       to develop type 2 diabetes than those     maintaining the healthy lifestyle         Mason City will be Jan. 8.  Armour City,” said TJ Just, Visit Mason City
	 The coach reported the second           rankings by Intermat.                     with normal blood glucose levels. In      changes they learn. The course is a one   will leave the organization to join the Board president. “The City of Mason
team battled two tough losses. “Haley     	 NIACC, which was No. 2 in the           fact, many people with prediabetes        year commitment.                          Marketing Department for Mercy City, our business community and the
Beatty had a few nice shots to start the  preseason rankings, has five ranked       will develop type 2 diabetes within         	 The local course will be offered      Medical Center - North Iowa.              North Iowa area have profited from
season. All of the girls are very coach-  wrestlers, including top-ranked Paul      three years if they do not take steps     at two different times.  Wednesday         	 “I am proud of the accomplish- her dedication, enthusiasm and pas-
able and ready to work hard for a suc-    Mascarenas at 125-pounds and No.          to prevent it. To see if you are at risk  morning sessions will begin Jan. 13       ments Visit Mason City has achieved, sion for her profession and those she
cessful season.”                          1 Shiquan Hall at 133-pounds. Oth-        for prediabetes, take the prediabetes     from 10-11 a.m. and Thursday eve-         none of which could have occurred served. She will be greatly missed. We
	 On Tuesday, Dec. 8, the Lions           er ranked wrestlers for the Trojans       screening test on our website, www.       ning sessions will begin Jan. 14 from     without the help of so many people will work to have a transition plan in
won their first home game, 26-22,         are No. 6 Quincy Kalkbrenner at                              5-6 p.m.  Both classes will be held in    including a great staff, community place very soon.  In the interim pe-
against Clarion-Goldfield-Dows.           157-pounds, No. 8 Kyler Mathews           	 “One in three American adults           the Liberty Room, located in Mo-          leaders, tourism partners, an extreme- riod, the board and staff will assume
Chelsey Holck led the offense with        at 197-pounds and No. 3 Lawrence          has prediabetes, so the need for pre-     hawk Square, Mason City.  The course      ly supportive board of directors, and leadership of various positions until a
three made shots behind the arc. Ali      Phillips at 285-pounds.                   vention has never been greater,” said     is free to at-risk participants and in-   countless volunteers,” Armour said. candidate is hired.”
Maulsby closed the game, making                                                     Karen Crimmings, Chronic Disease          cludes a pre and post health screen-      “Visit Mason City has achieved in-
two free throws due to an intentional                                               and Health Promotion Service Man-         ing.  To enroll in the course visit www.
                                                                                    ager, Cerro Gordo County Depart- or call 641-421-9303.

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   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20