25 Years Ago September 1990

The polls will open Tuesday, Sept. 11, to vote on the renewal of the 67 1/2 cent schoolhouse levy in Clear Lake, as well as elect a new school member.  David Hopper will run unopposed for the one seat to be filled.

50 Years Ago August 1965

Two more additions to the Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter staff were announced by Publisher Joe Roth.  Michael Grandon, 23, has joined the staff as a general reporter/photographer.  Also joining the staff is Mrs. Larry Keith who has been named the Ventura correspondent and will handle special subscription work.

50 Years Ago August 1965

Two more additions to the Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter staff were announced by Publisher Joe Roth.  Michael Grandon, 23, has joined the staff as a general reporter/photographer.  Also joining the staff is Mrs. Larry Keith who has been named the Ventura correspondent and will handle special subscription work.

75 Years Ago August 1940

A crowd estimated at between 6,000 and 8,000 attended the water carnival and Governor’s Day celebration here Sunday.  The log rolling contest and the dive from the airplane by Bill Daley, of Clear Lake, were highlights.

The Misses Neva Harding and Dorothy Dolley plan to leave Saturday for a two week’s vacation to a dude ranch in Beehive, Mont.

Jimmy Watts has accepted a position as assistant at the Clear Lake Bank & Trust Co.

The City of Clear Lake has a population of 3,739.

75 Years Ago August 1940

A crowd estimated at between 6,000 and 8,000 attended the water carnival and Governor’s Day celebration here Sunday.  The log rolling contest and the dive from the airplane by Bill Daley, of Clear Lake, were highlights.

The Misses Neva Harding and Dorothy Dolley plan to leave Saturday for a two week’s vacation to a dude ranch in Beehive, Mont.

Jimmy Watts has accepted a position as assistant at the Clear Lake Bank & Trust Co.

The City of Clear Lake has a population of 3,739.

100 Years Ago August 1915

The Bly Clothing Co. had a bicycle stolen from in front of their store Friday.  What is this town coming to?

There will be a flower show at the Congregational Church Friday.  Admission is 10¢.  Supper will be at 5:30 and costs 25¢.

100 Years Ago August 1915

The Bly Clothing Co. had a bicycle stolen from in front of their store Friday.  What is this town coming to?

There will be a flower show at the Congregational Church Friday.  Admission is 10¢.  Supper will be at 5:30 and costs 25¢.

Clear Lake Homecoming Court

Clear Lake High School students have chosen their Homecoming candidates.  They are: (front L-R) Reagan Brackey, Megan Merfeld, Marissa Olk, Erin O’Tool and Morgan Sacia, (back L-R) Ryan Faught, Sam Jones, Cooper Merrill, Lucas Kirchhoff and Spencer Orr.  Coronation of the queen and king will take place at 2:30 p.m. Friday in E.B. Stillman Auditorium.  A Homecoming parade will then travel from E.B.

Clear Lake Homecoming Court

Clear Lake High School students have chosen their Homecoming candidates.  They are: (front L-R) Reagan Brackey, Megan Merfeld, Marissa Olk, Erin O’Tool and Morgan Sacia, (back L-R) Ryan Faught, Sam Jones, Cooper Merrill, Lucas Kirchhoff and Spencer Orr.  Coronation of the queen and king will take place at 2:30 p.m. Friday in E.B. Stillman Auditorium.  A Homecoming parade will then travel from E.B.

New fire boat helps in Lake rescue

[caption id="attachment_12621" align="alignleft" width="270"]The Clear Lake Fire Boat and DNR officers responded to the boating emergency. The Clear Lake Fire Boat and DNR officers responded to the boating emergency.[/caption]

The Clear Lake Fire Department successfully used its new fire boat to rescue a man injured  on Clear Lake Tuesday, Sept. 1.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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