Remember When 11-25-2020

(Above) Lakeaires, 1970 - In 1970, members of the “Lakeaires”, the CLHS pop group, were practicing for a performance.  Members included: Carolin Opheim, Wanda Juhl, Marilyn Sears, Karen Klongerbo, Kay Nickerson, Dawne Starkey, Martha Johnson, Connie Garlock, Nancy Lambert, Cheri Ungs, Cindy Walls, Deanna Eichmann, Tom Ferguson, Tom Joslyn, Fred Petersen, Tom Lovell, Steve Erickson, Ed Wood, Louis Schuler, Randy Starkey, Mark Severtson and Joe Lambert.

by Michelle Watson

A preview of the basketball season

The game looked familiar, but the setting did not Monday night, as the Clear Lake Lions hosted Newman Catholic for a Hall of Pride scrimmage.  State-mandated rules limiting the number of spectators allowed at high school sporting events changed the look of the annual program administrated through the Iowa High School Athletic Association.  The scrimmages provide support to the Iowa Hall of Pride and other charitable causes.-Reporter photo by Chris Barragy.

A preview of the basketball season

The game looked familiar, but the setting did not Monday night, as the Clear Lake Lions hosted Newman Catholic for a Hall of Pride scrimmage.  State-mandated rules limiting the number of spectators allowed at high school sporting events changed the look of the annual program administrated through the Iowa High School Athletic Association.  The scrimmages provide support to the Iowa Hall of Pride and other charitable causes.-Reporter photo by Chris Barragy.

Surf asks City to extend property tax rebate agreement

by Marianne Gasaway

The Clear Lake City Council will meet in special session Monday to consider extension of a property tax rebate agreement with the North Iowa Cultural Center & Museum, operators of the Surf Ballroom.

Surf asks City to extend property tax rebate agreement

by Marianne Gasaway

The Clear Lake City Council will meet in special session Monday to consider extension of a property tax rebate agreement with the North Iowa Cultural Center & Museum, operators of the Surf Ballroom.

Thanksgiving 2020: Challenging tradition

(Above) For the first time in their 21-years of business, Starboard Market owners Jen Coffman (pictured) and Katie Poole will be preparing a Thanksgiving meal for customers.  “ We have been so well supported and blessed through this crazy time that we decided we would try to do our part to help out those also wondering what to do!”  The pre-ordered Thanksgiving meal is a sellout. -Reporter photo by Marianne Gasaway.

by Marianne Gasaway

Thanksgiving 2020: Challenging tradition

(Above) For the first time in their 21-years of business, Starboard Market owners Jen Coffman (pictured) and Katie Poole will be preparing a Thanksgiving meal for customers.  “ We have been so well supported and blessed through this crazy time that we decided we would try to do our part to help out those also wondering what to do!”  The pre-ordered Thanksgiving meal is a sellout. -Reporter photo by Marianne Gasaway.

by Marianne Gasaway

The Giving Tree needs your support

(Above) Ben Buck and seven-year-old Liam stopped in the Mirror-Reporter office this week to choose a family from The Giving Tree which employees from Culligan have generously offered to purchase Christmas gifts for this season.-Reporter photo.

The Giving Tree needs your support

(Above) Ben Buck and seven-year-old Liam stopped in the Mirror-Reporter office this week to choose a family from The Giving Tree which employees from Culligan have generously offered to purchase Christmas gifts for this season.-Reporter photo.

Mirror-Reporter E-edition 11-25-2020

Thanksgiving 2020: Challenging tradition

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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