Scholarships, awards presented to Clear Lake graduates

The following scholarships and awards have been awarded to members of the Clear Lake High School Class of 2016:

Breauna Archer:  Clear Lake Bank & Trust/Ray Hewitt Foundation Scholarship, CLHS Alumni Association & Friends Scholarship.

MaKenna Anderson:  NIACC Foundation Scholarship (Blackmore Broman), Clear Lake Bank & Trust/Ray Hewitt Foundation Scholarship.

Public invited to Memorial Day services

Local Memorial Day services will begin assembly at the Clear Lake Sea Wall on Main Avenue at 9:30 a.m.  There will be a welcome by the Officer of the Day, Dave Theiss, U.S. Army veteran, followed by an opening prayer by Cris Beard, MGst, U.S. Marine Corps, (ret).

Public invited to Memorial Day services

Local Memorial Day services will begin assembly at the Clear Lake Sea Wall on Main Avenue at 9:30 a.m.  There will be a welcome by the Officer of the Day, Dave Theiss, U.S. Army veteran, followed by an opening prayer by Cris Beard, MGst, U.S. Marine Corps, (ret).

Students get creative in support for classmate in health crisis

A Clear Lake sixth grader is getting a good dose of well wishes and support from her schoolmates as she battles a rare kidney cancer.

Natasha Bryan has missed many school days this year, but those at Clear Lake Middle School are keeping her in their thoughts and prayers and doing their best to help her feel better.  On Friday, May 27, Natasha hopes to be in school to enjoy an “Orange Out” held in her honor.

Students get creative in support for classmate in health crisis

A Clear Lake sixth grader is getting a good dose of well wishes and support from her schoolmates as she battles a rare kidney cancer.

Natasha Bryan has missed many school days this year, but those at Clear Lake Middle School are keeping her in their thoughts and prayers and doing their best to help her feel better.  On Friday, May 27, Natasha hopes to be in school to enjoy an “Orange Out” held in her honor.

CLFD welcomes four rookie members

(Above L-R) Chris Wessels, Chris Barragy, Mark Anderson Jr. and Justin Becthold

 Training, safety and tradition.  That’s what firefighters practice and preach.

CLFD welcomes four rookie members

(Above L-R) Chris Wessels, Chris Barragy, Mark Anderson Jr. and Justin Becthold

 Training, safety and tradition.  That’s what firefighters practice and preach.

Remember When 5-25-2016

(Above) Where’s the fish? There were some spots around Clear Lake in 1966 that failed to produce fish.  Judging by the expressions of these young fishermen, these youthful anglers were unfortunate enough to fish one of these “dry” areas.

25 Years Ago • May 1991

Remember When 5-25-2016

(Above) Where’s the fish? There were some spots around Clear Lake in 1966 that failed to produce fish.  Judging by the expressions of these young fishermen, these youthful anglers were unfortunate enough to fish one of these “dry” areas.

25 Years Ago • May 1991

Leeza R. Phinney

Leeza R. Phinney, 60, of Ventura, died Sunday, May 22, 2016 at Mercy Medical Center – North Iowa in Mason City.

  Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m., Wednesday, May 25, at St. Paul Lutheran Church, in Garner, Iowa, with the Rev. Scott Kozisek officiating.  Burial will be at Memorial Park Cemetery, in Mason City.

  Visitation will be held one hour prior to services at the church.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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