Officers elected in 1965

The Clear Lake Junior Chamber of Commerce held their annual election of officers in 1965.  Those elected included front row (L-R):  Elgin Morris, secretary; Dean Nelson, vice-president; Norman Knoke, president; Lester Landhuis, vice-president; Ken Smith, treasurer.  Back row (L-R):  Wayne Oltrogge, retiring president and ex-officio board member; directors Lyle Abbas, Lyle Laartz, Tom Skalsky, Ralph Mahaffey, an

85 Years Ago June 1930

F.C. DeBruyn has purchased what is known as the Bilk property on North Third Street.  This is one of the finest homes in Clear Lake.

Miss Angela Chizek is driving a new sports model Ford roadster.

Mr. and Mrs. D. Cal Branson have opened the Lake Shore Hotel for the summer.

The Wayside Inn, a popular resort for people desiring pleasant surroundings during the dining hour, will be open to the public Thursday evening.

Check out the new Mirror-Reporter website

screen shotThe Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter website has a new look and new features.

Mirror-Reporter staff worked closely with Adam Frederick and his team at WebWise Websites Inc., Mason City, to develop a free website which will be easier for visitors to navigate and access news, classified advertising, weather, sports reports, obituaries, photos, a live lake view and the popular Home Buyers Guide.

85 Years Ago June 1930

F.C. DeBruyn has purchased what is known as the Bilk property on North Third Street.  This is one of the finest homes in Clear Lake.

Miss Angela Chizek is driving a new sports model Ford roadster.

Mr. and Mrs. D. Cal Branson have opened the Lake Shore Hotel for the summer.

The Wayside Inn, a popular resort for people desiring pleasant surroundings during the dining hour, will be open to the public Thursday evening.

60 Years Ago June 1955

Keith McGowan’s pickup was stolen from beside the hardware store on May 14.  The pickup was just recovered from Spirit Lake where it had been sitting on a residential street for a week.  A gasket had been blown and some articles in the car were missing.

W.O. “Bill” Ward has been hired by the City Council on the Clear Lake Police Force.

60 Years Ago June 1955

Keith McGowan’s pickup was stolen from beside the hardware store on May 14.  The pickup was just recovered from Spirit Lake where it had been sitting on a residential street for a week.  A gasket had been blown and some articles in the car were missing.

W.O. “Bill” Ward has been hired by the City Council on the Clear Lake Police Force.

50 Years Ago June 1965

Dr. Robert L. Borgman has entered into partnership with Dr. James Hendricks effective June 28.  Until recently, the physician was in the U.S. Army stationed at Fort Dix, N.J.  He is a native of Pella, Iowa.

Miss Linda Budolfson was Clear Lake’s representative in the 27th annual Mason City Band Festival, while Miss Sheryl Spilman represented Ventura.

50 Years Ago June 1965

Dr. Robert L. Borgman has entered into partnership with Dr. James Hendricks effective June 28.  Until recently, the physician was in the U.S. Army stationed at Fort Dix, N.J.  He is a native of Pella, Iowa.

Miss Linda Budolfson was Clear Lake’s representative in the 27th annual Mason City Band Festival, while Miss Sheryl Spilman represented Ventura.

25 Years Ago June 1990

Some 75 trucks and 103 registrants were in Clear Lake over the weekend to participate in the F-100 gathering.

Rain, and lots of it, has helped to lift the level of Clear Lake.  The level was measured at 40.08” below the spillway.  Last week the lake measured -42.80.

Contributions for a new Ventura Public Library are now nearing the $70,000 mark, according to Librarian Ann Grimm.  The goal is $110,000.

25 Years Ago June 1990

Some 75 trucks and 103 registrants were in Clear Lake over the weekend to participate in the F-100 gathering.

Rain, and lots of it, has helped to lift the level of Clear Lake.  The level was measured at 40.08” below the spillway.  Last week the lake measured -42.80.

Contributions for a new Ventura Public Library are now nearing the $70,000 mark, according to Librarian Ann Grimm.  The goal is $110,000.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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