Remember When 4-12-17

(Above) 1992 Easter HuntIn 1992, three-year-old Kaitlyn Zenner, of Clear Lake, got some help from her mother, Joan, discovering what treasures were in her Easter basket.  Zenner and many other youngsters took part in the annual Easter Egg Hunt in City Park sponsored by the Clear Lake Women of Today.

25 Years Ago

April 1992

Remember When 4-12-17

1992 Easter HuntIn 1992, three-year-old Kaitlyn Zenner, of Clear Lake, got some help from her mother, Joan, discovering what treasures were in her Easter basket.  Zenner and many other youngsters took part in the annual Easter Egg Hunt in City Park sponsored by the Clear Lake Women of Today.

25 Years Ago

April 1992

Support is huge for little Knox

(Above) Troy, Carrie, Drake and Tate Tysdahl, pictured above with baby Knox, plan to be at the event on May 20 to say hello after many months away.-Submitted photo.

5K Run, Walk, Wag to benefit local family

A Clear Lake family with their pre-mature baby is fighting the big fight and winning!

Support is huge for little Knox

(Above) Troy, Carrie, Drake and Tate Tysdahl, pictured above with baby Knox, plan to be at the event on May 20 to say hello after many months away.-Submitted photo.

5K Run, Walk, Wag to benefit local family

A Clear Lake family with their pre-mature baby is fighting the big fight and winning!

Woman arrested after pinning man to building with vehicle, leaving

A Clear Lake woman was charged with operating while intoxicated and leaving the scene of a personal injury crash after she allegedly pinned a man to a building with her vehicle.

Woman arrested after pinning man to building with vehicle, leaving

A Clear Lake woman was charged with operating while intoxicated and leaving the scene of a personal injury crash after she allegedly pinned a man to a building with her vehicle.

Berding selected for honor by Michael J. Fox Foundation

A Clear Lake woman who worked to raise awareness about Parkinson’s Disease will be honored at the Michael J. Fox Foundation’s MVP Dinner in New York City April 28.

Geri Berding was the force behind the first 5K Fun Run and Walk event held in Clear Lake last April.  She shared her story of being diagnosed with Parkinson’s and with the support of many friends, co-workers and the North Iowa community at-large, raised $24,000 for Parkinson’s research.

Berding selected for honor by Michael J. Fox Foundation

A Clear Lake woman who worked to raise awareness about Parkinson’s Disease will be honored at the Michael J. Fox Foundation’s MVP Dinner in New York City April 28.

Geri Berding was the force behind the first 5K Fun Run and Walk event held in Clear Lake last April.  She shared her story of being diagnosed with Parkinson’s and with the support of many friends, co-workers and the North Iowa community at-large, raised $24,000 for Parkinson’s research.

Scam Alert: Crooks are using new methods to separate you from your cash

Your cell phone rings.  You don’t recognize the number, but you answer it anyway.  Someone says, “Can you hear me?”

If you get that call, do not answer yes.  That simple ‘yes’ could mean a crook is about to go on a shopping spree with your cash.

Scam Alert: Crooks are using new methods to separate you from your cash

Your cell phone rings.  You don’t recognize the number, but you answer it anyway.  Someone says, “Can you hear me?”

If you get that call, do not answer yes.  That simple ‘yes’ could mean a crook is about to go on a shopping spree with your cash.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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